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Hey guys! Welcome back! You know it's funny...oh what's funny? HOW JIMIN KILLS ME EVERY TIME HE SMILES LIKE ABOVE. 😭😍💕✨ anyways I'm sure you just want to get on with the chapter XD but before that I wanna say I did more homework so this is the chapter there will be tons more random Korean words, but also I'm sorry about the late update I'm back at school now so I'll be updating every third or fourth day (or whenever I can find the time lmao) not every first or second XD sooo further adieu! Let's get straight into it!

*•~•*•~•*Y/N P.O.V.*•~•*•~•*

We are all sitting in the lounge room and Jimin-ah and I are sitting next to each other, we're all watching a movie and when it's finished I squeeze Jimins hand and we look at each other nervously then nod. Now is a good time to tell them...Jimin and I stand up and everyone goes quiet.

"Guys..Y/N and I have an announcement and we hope you'll all support this.." Jimin says, they all look at us in confusion and I look at Jin while Jimin-ah explains. "Jagiya and I   were talking earlier...and I finally told her of my feelings and asked her to be my girlfriend, she said yes!!" Jimin-ah says excitedly holding my hand.

"NOONA OMG ANDWAE!" Jungkook yells as he jumps up from from his seat excitedly and hugging me tightly. I can nearly breathe but I still manage to hug back. "Daebak! I'm sure you two will be happy together!" Namjoon and Hoseok say in unison. Yoongi just nods in agreement while Hoseok congratulates us and when Jungkook stops hugging me Taehyung comes up to Jimin-ah and I with a big smile.

"Aigoo, finally! Jimin has liked you pretty much since you guys first met!" Taehyung says with a mischievous smirk towards Jimin-ah. "YAH! Taehyung! Don't tell her that!" Jimin-ah says as he blushes and hits Taehyung "aya! Waeee" Taehyung says as he rubs the spot where Jimin-ah hit, I laugh at him and then realize Jin Oppa is staring at me in shock and slight disappointment. I leave Jimin-ah to talk to the guys and go to him "Oppa...a-are you mad with me?" I ask him worriedly "kind of I guess, I thought this might happen...I just want to know...why Jimin?" He asks me.

"O-Oppa I've really liked Jimin-ah for a long time, and we've been friends since you introduced me to all the guys...I just really want you to support us.." I say sadly. Oppa sighs again "Really..? ...alright, I support you" Jin Oppa says turning his frown into a smile "Gamsahamnida Oppa!" I say cutely to suck up to him even more before hugging him tightly. He shakes his head and chuckles before hugging me back. I'm so thankful he supports us!

*•~•*•~•*Later on*•~•*•~•*

After all that Jimin-ah and I decided that we'd go on our first date, omo! I'm so excited I've waited for this! Of course it's kinda too late right now so we're going tomorrow, at the moment we're laying next to each other in his room deciding where to go. "How about the movies?" Jimin-ah asks as he plays with my hair "but we went the other week with everyone" I say "true, well what do you want to do Jagiya??" He asks me as he sits up "I was thinking we could go Ice skating maybe?" I say as I sit up as well.

"Yes! I haven't been I've skating in years Jagiya!" He says in excitement with a cute smile, "then it's decided, hehe! Daebak! Omo I can't wait to finally go on a REAL date with you." I say excitedly as I smile back and blush slightly. Jimin-ah chuckles and then hugs me. "You're so adorable Jagiya~" he says sweetly, I blush more and hug him back then he pulls away a little to kiss my cheek. Hehe!

After we get out of the hug Jungkook opens the bedroom door with Hoseok following him crossed arms "Y/N can you tell Jungkook that he's being stupid!!" Hoseok says to me "huh, what's going on??" I ask them both as Jungkook comes up to me "Noona! Hobi-Hyung is denying that he likes Yoongi-Hyung! Tell him it's obvious that he does" Jungkook says giving Hoseok a smirk "Andwae! I-I do not!! J-Jungkook why would I l-like Yoongi?!" Hoseok says blushing slightly but trying to act normal.

It really is obvious he can't hide how he feels he can't stop himself from reacting unlike Jimin-ah, I never would have guessed that he liked me I guess looking back there were signs but I guess I just didn't notice..but that's beside the point! "Aish Hoseok, Jungkook is right, you're crazy about Yoongi. Just admit it." I say giving him a 'give it up' smile/smirk but Hoseok still tries his best to turn it down "yeah, Hoseok there's no denying it" Jimin-ah says before standing up and leaning on Hoseoks shoulder "besides, we all ship SOPE anyways you may as well give up the act while you're ahead" Jimin-ah says chuckling as the blushing Hoseok just stands there in silence, looking at the ground.

"F-FINE! I like Yoongi!!" Hoseok says as he steps away from Jimin-ah and plonks onto his bed. All of a sudden the doorway is filled with a surprised and slightly blushing guy. Yoongi! Hoseok realises and jumps up from Jimin-ah's bed. "Y-Yoongi!! U-uhhh... did you hear any of that??" Hoseok asks with a red face, Yoongi just stays silent and it stays quiet for a moment before Yoongi lifts his hand and gestures for Hoseok to follow him while saying "come." Before walking off.

Hoseok is still dark red in the face as he looks to Jungkook and I. We both nod with a smile and Hoseok follows Yoongi out of the room. "Go get some, J-Hoe!" Jimin-ah half yells after him before laughing evilly "Aish, Stop teasing him!" I say giggling as I hit Jimin-ah lightly. "Aya Jagiya! Come on I was just having some fun" Jimin-ah says "psh, that didn't hurt. Just shut up you!" I say jokingly before kissing his cheek.

He blushes a little bit and I can hear Jungkook saying "oooh~ Noona and Ji-min sitting in a tree K-I-S-S--" Jimin-ah cuts him off "OMO-SHUT UP" he says blushing more. Jungkook giggles like a little girl and Jimin-ah just rolls his eyes funnily. Hehe, cuties!


"Ehh, Oppa I don't know about this I mean I've only just heard of these guys are you sure you want me to meet them??" I ask Jin Oppa hesitantly "I'm sure! Trust me they're really nice, you'll like them" he says surely while flashing me a smile "hmm..okayyy.." I say as we walk into the dorm-room. "Jin-Hyung you're back! Oh, who is this lovely looking girl you brought with you?" A guy with a weird haircut says to Jin as he smiles at me sweetly.

"Namjoon, this is my little sister Y/N" Oppa says smiling back at the guy...Namjoon? "Hello Y/N, my name is Namjoon pleasure to meet you, Jin has told us so much about you! " he says putting his hand out to shake it "h-hi..Namjoon, nice to meet you too!" I say kind of shyly. I always get shy around new people... all of a sudden another guy comes up from behind Namjoon and this person drags me into the room more "hello Y/N! My name is Jungkook!" The guy says with a big smile on his face.

"Y-Y/N" say trying my best to be more confident "come, meet the others Noona!" He says excitedly. N-Noona? Is he younger than me?? Oh... he leads me to a group of four guys all sitting together in a circle on a queen sized bed. "Guys, this is Y/N" Oppa says introducing me to them all "Y/N that's Namjoon and Jungkook who you've already met now, and these guys are Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and that guy right there is Jimin" Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung all say "hi Y/N!" In unison but Jimin just stares at me with a slightly red face, what's up with him? He seems...interesting? I think as I cock me head to the side "uh, h-hey Y/N!" Jimin finally says with a sure eye smile. He's kind of cute actually... "we are BTS!" They all say together. Even Jin. I'm glad Jin finally found some good friends! They seem nice, too!

*•~•*•~•*End flashback*•~•*•~•*

Heh, I guess they've all grown up so much...it's pretty funny how fate connected them all, including me even! They're such good friends not only to me but to each other. I'm still worried about how ARMYs will react though, it should be okay I hope! They're always so nice towards me I swear sometimes it feels like I'm part of their group with how much publicity I get as well! Oh! Speaking of I might go and check twitter!

Heyyyy guysssss! I hope you enjoyed the thirds chapter of my Jimin X Reader! I really enjoy writing this chapter......because I put some SOPE in there.. hehehehejsmakxns- I SHIIIIPPPP!! 😂😍 anyways I'm not sure but I think this chapter may be shorter than the other? IDK XD I'm still really sorry for the late update I'll try my best to update whenever I can! 😊 okay that's all I have to say for now so thanks for reading my fellow ARMYs! Buh-Byyeeee~!


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