•Ch.13; Lee Mi-Hwa•

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Hellooo play so if you were wondering why this chapter has a proper title then it's cause there's gone be drama now and Mi-Hwa is the centre of it sooooo yeah XD get ready for a lil intensity and for some REAL drama to happen!! Let the petty high school drama turned adult BEGIN. XD Before I start, just so you know this chapter (13) is about two days forward from chapter 12 just so you're not confused :D Now without further adieu! Let's get straight into it!

*•~•*•~•*Y/N P.O.V*•~•*•~•*

It's just another normal day again but this time I'm worrying about my career because I'm not sure if I'm ready to debut as a solo artist yet and I haven't had that much practice to be honest but according to BigHit and Namjoon along with the other members I'm pretty much ready?? I mean I guess there's no point in stressing if everyone is saying I'm about ready, right? I guess I'll try to put that thought aside for now and just focus on improving myself. I'm just on my phone again but this time it's in my room and Jimin is with me, on his phone as well but has an arm around my at the same time. As I'm just going through my feed on Twitter I get a notification saying a random number messaged me. I click on it and my messages pop up.

'If you don't stay away from him there will be consequences'

What does that mean?? 'There will be consequences'? Maybe it's just a 'fan' who got my number...at least I hope, even though I never give out my number because of my 'social status'...I dunno though people's numbers get leaked all the time I guess so I'll just ignore it and leave the message.

Two hours pass and Jimin and I have been kinda just hanging out and talking about stuff, a little bit of snuggling and kissing like normal couples do and I get another message from THE SAME NUMBER.

'If you don't stay away from MY man I will do something you wouldn't want me to do. Trust me I won't hesitate, cow'

"Who's that from?" Jimin asks me obviously suspicious "hm? Oh it's just someone with the wrong number" I say deleting the message before he can see it. I don't want him to worry because I know he'll never let me out of his sights EVER if he knew I was getting random massages from people, he's already stressed enough as it is and I wouldn't want him to stress even more. I love him too much to do that to him no matter what. But five minutes later the person messages me again.
???-unknown person
???- 'Fine. Face my wrath you stupid little b*tch!'
Y- 'Can you please stop messaging me? I think you Lunt have to wrong number but whoever you meant to message I really hope you don't hurt anyone that's  a little irrational (I know is not my business but still)
???- 'oh, no. I have the right number..I know I do. Kim. Y/N'
Y-WTH. Okay who are you, how do you know my name and why the are you threatening me?!'
???- 'You'll see. I'd watch over your shoulder from now on because I'm setting the dogs on you, you stupid little boyfriend-stealing sl*t!'
(Sorry for all the derogatory swearing but it's necessary to emphasise this character :D)
(Besides I told you guys there'd be some swearing in this book so if you have a problem then up urs cause it's your fault for not reading the intros to my chapters 😂😂((sorry)))
What do they even mean 'setting the dogs on me?!' I wanna know what the heck is happening and as far as I know (which is a lot) Jimin does NOT and never has had a girlfriend for the past four years I've know him!! Who in the hell is this person and who do they think they are???? "You okay Y/N? You look a little, shaken up?" He says stroking my shoulder as I put the phone down "no I'm all good. It was just someone sending messages k the wrong number but I sorted it out it's fine" I say giving him the most genuine smile I can fake. He looks a little skeptical but still accepts my excuse and continues out conversation "well anyways" he says before turning around to face me fully.

"What'd you do when you walked in and saw them kissing?!" He asks me obviously VERY interested it what happened. I'm sorry! I know Hoseok and Yoongi tile me not to tell but he forces me to with his adorable puppy eyes and I couldn't resist his cuteness alright?! Besides, we were best friends before we became a couple so I tell him everything! No matter what ur is he always knows. I mean...apart from this time because this time I'm keeping that delusional person a secret for his own mental wellbeing. Besides I can totally handle myself.

*•~•*•~•*The next day*•~•*•~•*
(Boop bada booooop XD)

I decided that today I'd just go to dance practice with Jimin considering I want to try and improve a little before the 'debuting' starts and unsurprisingly we're not alone. This time it's Jimin, Tae, Yoongi and I. So it's taken a million friggin hours but we've come up with a little routine to dance to a song. So now we're just gonna go over it a couple times but the thing is. Jimin isn't dancing with us. He's actually judging how I've improved on my 'technique' and stuff, I insisted he do it even though he said "Y/N I hope you know I don't think you need me to judge your dancing skills and techniques and stuff. I already think you're like almost better than Taehyung" but still...when I asked him to do it with my puppy dog eyes look again he gave in and when he agreed to do it I told him to be as harsh on me as he possibly can because I'm his girlfriend and he loves me. Hehe.

I start dancing along with Taehyung and Yoongi and he watches me closely, inspecting the way I move and how I do it meanwhile as Jimin and I are both acting kinda serious Tae and Yoongi are just having fun and Taehyung is making weir expressions at Yoongs which makes him smile a little.

*•~•*•~•*Jimin P.O.V.*•~•*•~•*

As Y/N starts dancing I'm instantly captivated once again..I can't put my finger on it as to why I can't stop staring at her so intensely when she dances, maybe it's just me being even more attracted to her than usual because dancing is something I do and to know that she can do it almost as well kind of makes me so proud that she's MY girlfriend and no one else's..or maybe it's just...I dunno. I guess you could say I just find it really.....sexy? That she can dance like that?? I-I don't know! Don't judge me she just seems more physically attractive when she dances.

The way her long hair and clothes dance against her soft, perfect skin along with her body which radiates enough heat when she's dancing that I can feel it. The kind of body heat that even warms ME up if I'm halfway across the room. Ugh! I need to stop before it goes too far..I don't want to start having weird dreams (if you know what I mean) I just want to keep this relationship more that physical because really, it is SO much more than that. Just focus on judging her dancing skills Jimin! Just. Focus. Please. You can think about these kinds of things later I the relationship but please, please not now...
(This makes him sound like such a pure innocent child of god even though we all know he'd probably just think about it and get those thoughts 😂)

*•~•*•~•*Y/N P.O.V*•~•*•~•*

The song finishes and we stop dancing, we take a moment to get our breaths back and take a sip of water before I turn to Jimin "so. How'd I do?" I say taking another gulp of water (dats holy water for what Jimin was just thinking XD) "honestly, Y/N. my opinion still hasn't changed you're a great dancer okay? I reckon if you improved even the tiniest bit you'd dance just as well as Hoseok and I. You have a gift alright? Please stop worrying" he says before taking a step closer and rubbing my forehead with this thumb "...you'll get worry lines" he mumbles. I turn to Tae and Yoongs and  look at Yoongi while he is eating something he just nods. Then I look to Taehyung and he walks up to Jimin and I "he's telling the truth, Y/N! You're a really great dancer. Even better at singing too" he says encouragingly and punching my shoulder lightly while smiling. "T-thanks guys" I say smiling back at them.
I guess it's settled then? I really am pretty much ready...

Helloooo :3 I hope you enjoyed this chapter..or not cause now there's a crazy girl after you XD AAAANYWAYSSS 😂 I don't have anything else to say cause something VERY dramatic happened today and I'm tired. So imma go relax and probably pass out! Thanks for reading my fellow ARMYs! Buh-byyeee~!


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