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Hey! So yeah, this book is finally gonna have some drama going on :3 if you're wondering, no. This chapter isn't the one where Mi-Hwa comes in that's gone be next chapter! aaaaanyways I'll stop spoiling the book for you and let you read it urself XD so now without further adieu! Let's get straight into it!

*•~•*•~•*Y/N P.O.V.*•~•*•~•*

It's just a normal day and I'm checking me social media like an average person...toottallyy average..definitely not reading and Jimin fanfics that ARMYs have made...(relatable? Yup..that's what ur doing, right. now.) I swear, these things are weird but like, they have some pretty good storylines..don't judge me! Then all of a sudden my phone gets ripped out of my hands and I look to behind me to see a very annoyingly happy and mischievous Kim Taehyung holding my phone, READING THE FANFIC!! I squeal and jump up from the couch and he says slyly "fanfics huh?? Oh? What's this?? Is this a PARK JIMIN fan fic I see here?!" I pounce at him over the couch and he moves before I can get him and I fall on the floor.

"KIM TAEHYUNG YOU GIMME THAT PHONE RIGHT NOW!" I yell furiously as I start to chase him around the room as he keeps reading "HAHA! IT IISSSS AND THATS TAETAE TO YOU!" He yells back at me accusingly. "I don't care ya dummy and I don't have to! Now gimme mah phone!!" I say as I lunge at him again this time catching him off guard and falling onto him, I quickly get up and snatch the phone from his hands. "Uhh, what's going on here??" a very confused Namjoon asks from the doorway "oh, well this lil ass child took my phone" I say casually putting the phone in my pocket.

A now defeated Tae interrupts with "I'm taller then you though. Way taller!" While he sits up from the ground "we'll okay then. Did you have to tackle him?" Namjoon asks while laughing as he walks into the he room more and standing in front of me. I hate how much taller all of them are...especially Joonie and Jin... "yes I did actually, he was trynna run away with it!!" I say as I cross my arms "mk. Well anyways I came to ask Taehyung for help with something so" he looks past me to Tae who is now standing up "c'mon you" he says to him before walking out of the room. When he is out of view I swivel around to Tae, we both shrug and he jogs to catch up with Namjoon.

Anyways today Jimin is doing some extra dance practice with Jin and Jungkook so I'm a little alone at the moment considering just now Namjoon and Taehyung are doing something. I wonder if Hoseok or Yoongi are busy? I think they're probably hanging out somewhere in the house. I wanna leave them alone but at the same time...you know what I'll just go on my phone again. Maybe check social media. For real this time. haha.. yeeaaahhh.

I jump back onto the couch and pull my phone out of my pocket 11:00 am..so there's six hours until Jimin comes home..hmm. I log into my phone and go on twitter, looks like Hobi posted a video of them dancing to some American song. I watch the video and then go to the comments, just the usual with all the ARMYs commenting how hot and beautiful and stuff they are. Until I see one comment that says: 'hey guys! What do y'all think about Jimin and Y/N dating? In my opinion I've always kinda shipped them so I'm perfectly okay with it! ❤️ #isupport[ship name]'

Well good! I'm glad to see so many people supporting us! I think to myself as I click to see the replies I don't know why I'm pretty sure something will happen but I can't help it but look... there's only about four replies.

'Yeah good on them! I'm kinda upset like and Jiminie Stan would be :( but that doesn't stop me from totally SHIPPING IT! 😂💗 #heartbrokenbutstillshippingit !!'

'Yeah I'm a little sad too but that doesn't matter his happiness is more important than anything! 💜💕'

'I'm a little skeptical tbh but that's just cause I don't want her to take him from us which I know she won't cause she's a good person and understands us ❤️ just don't want our bby to get hurt-not that I think she'd do that to him!-'

Now the last one..I don't know what it is that makes me so...angry? No..Melancholy, actually.

'In my honest opinion I don't support them. Jimin is busy and he needs to keep working not to be distracted by some stupid girl who is only even with them because Jin is her brother. I don't really think she's deserves him and he could do better (in the future). As I sad he's just too busy to be in a relationship...I guess it's his choice but still, someone has to agree (?) ❌'

Now it's not as much what they said..it's how many likes that one has gotten. Sure the positive ones have more likes especially the one that says '#heartbrokenbutstillshippingit !!' but hat doesn't hide the fact there are still people who hate the idea of us together...

I sigh and lean backwards sinking into the couch for slime sort of comfort "I hope they'll come around soon..." I say before sighing again "I'll just go and see what Hoseok and Yoongi are doing." I mumble to myself as I stand up awkwardly from being so far into the couch and slip my phone back into my pocket before walking off to find them. I open the door to Hoseok's room to see my two Oppas, the two males are sitting on the bed..


"OOOOOO!! SOPE IS REAALLL!" I yell as I take back out my hole and take a photo of them kissing and then a photo of them pulling away frlmeacb other in shock. Hehehe. Got em. "Y-Y-Y/N!" Hoseok yells covering his face blushing, while he keeps blushing and stuttering Yoongi just stands up and walks over to me looking at the ground and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Y/N, if you tell anyone what you just saw here..." he looks up at me and I instantly start to get scared ad I can already feel my face gonna a little white.

"There. Will. Be. Consequences." He says slowly with a very dark tone "u-umm, y-yes sir!!" I say scared while I salute, I don't know why I saluted but I did and he replies with a simple "good. Now what did you barge in here for?" He asks me joking Hobi back on the bed and rubbing his back comforting him while he's embarrassed. To be honest I already knew something was going on or I was at least skeptical so all it is, is that I just know for sure! Yay!

"W-well, Jiminie, Jin Oppa and Jungkookie are out practicing and Tae and Namjoon are doing something so I thought maybe could hang with you two cause I'm super bored and have nothing to do and no one to hang out with.." I say as I take a small step into the room they think for a second and Yoongi turns to Hoseok, funny...Yoongi asking permission for something? Form Hoseok??? Wow they must like each other a lot then.. he nods and Yoongi says "yeah, just close the door would you?" He says before I nod like Hobi did and close the door behind me before sitting next to the two awkward older men and saying with a wink and a finger pressed to my lips "don't worry I won't tell anyone your secret"

Heyyyyy guyssssss! I'm on a role with these chapters XD I guess it makes up for my super late uploading lately :p but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Well yeh should atleast...I MADE SOPE HAPPEEENNN~!!! XD anyways thanks for reading my fellow ARMYs! Buh-byyeee~!


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