•Ch.9 Date Pt.2!•

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Annyeong Chingus~! I made another very relatable meme...well...relatable for me atleast.. 😂 That literally happened to me the other day! Hehehehe.. yeah it happens XD I'm so sorry about the late update I was kinda stressed over the past few days cause my Mum is actually getting induced to have my lil bro today and school is all over me like my love towards BTS... sooooo without further adieu! Let's get straight into it!

*•~•*•~•*Y/N P.O.V.*•~•*•~•*

As Jungkook drags Jimin-ah around the place fanboying Chrissy and I just stand there giggling and eventually go and meet up with them at a car racing game. Honestly Kookie didn't even have to drag him cause he was kinda fanboying too, hehe. They both challenge each other and pick their cars and stuff, ready..set..GO! and there their little cars go, they look so into it, they look so focused and it's almost too intense so Chrissy and I decide to lighten it up for them to have fun but also be competitive.

"Whoo! Go Jimin-ah! Hwaiting~!" I say "Andwae, go Jungkookie!" Chrissy says giggling as Jimin-ah and Kookie starts to smile, Jimin-ah takes the time on a straight part of the course to kiss my cheek before chuckling and continuing to race Jungkook. Hehe he's so adorable! Then just before the finish line Jungkooks car knocks into Jimin-ah's and wins the race.

"Aigoo...Andwae! You cheated! Pabo!" Jimin-ah says as he pouts while Kookie raises him arms and cheers in victory "haha! Point one for team [ship name]!!" Kookie yells while Criselda blushes at he thought of a ship name. Chrissy and I then just giggle and laugh before Jimin-ah crosses his arms and pouts to be funny and cute. I giggle at him and then kiss his nose "it's okay Jimin-ah, you'll win he next one" I say as I give him a smile. He smiles back at me and chuckles before Criselda gasps.

"Y/N! Air hockey!" She says excitedly pointing at a large air hockey table, that has always been Chrissy and I'd favorite game to play and we get so excited when we see one that we HAVE to play it! I jump up and down a little I'm excitement before we both run over to either side of the table, I put a coin in and the table starts up before I quickly grab the puck before she can and give her a competitive smirk. We get so intense when playing this game like you won't even wanna be near us. I hit it to her and the game begins.

*•~•*•~•*10 mins of solid gameplay later*•~•*•~•*

Is ten minutes later and the scores are tied 7-7 whoever scores next wins! Chrissy gets the puck out of the goal and places it on the table, we both narrow our eyes and death glare each other before she goes to strike. She takes a moment before belting the puck, I manage to hit it back, she hits it, I hit it, she hits it, I hit it, she hits it..then I hit it and by only a millimeter she misses and the puck goes into the goal! "AHA! SCORE FOR TEAM [ship name]!! I yell and I pump my arms in the air violently while laughing.

"Gahh! Andwaeee!!" Chrissy says putting her head down and banging her fist again the table. Hehe out reactions get even more intense every time we play this hahaha! "Whoo! Go Jagiya!" Jimin-ah says laughing as he grabs my wrist "a winneeerrr~!" He says proudly.  Jungkook goes to support Chrissy and says "hey, don't be too upset, it was a close game" he says before Criselda's body starts to shake from laughter. Soon you can hear her laughing more before she stands back up properly and we both start laughing and giggling.

You see this is the thing about Chrissy and I, whenever we get competitive is always in good fun and we never ever get mad or upset when we lose. Sure the winner gets to hype it in their face (like me hyping Hixtape... 😂) but we never get upset. Usually we make it more fun by making our reactions MORE over exaggerated every time we get competitive, haha! I'm glad she remembered that, I mean, of course she did!

After that little episode we made out of it Jimin-ah and Jungkookie found anger game, basketball. So once we approach it Jimin-ah and Kookie decide that this will Determine which couple wins because apparently we're doing a competition ? But anyways this decides who wins. They both put their coins in the slots and Chrissy and I count down when to press start.
We both yell in unison before they both press start and the basketballs come rolling to them. After a few minutes they're on the double overtime and the scores are 150-149 with Jungkook winning. So VERY close. It's gets very close but as they both grow their last ball Jungkookie misses and Jimin-ah gets it in.

A TIE?! They stop and look at each other scores, "huh?! Andwae!" They both yell in unison as Criselda and I giggle at their reactions "yah, you two actually got a tie?! Hahaha" Chrissy says through laughing as they both pout. "Hehehe, it okay boys, this just means Chrissy and I will have to go into sudden death!" I say before narrowing my eyes competitively at Chrissy.

We both giggle and then we decide to let the boys decide which game we should play in sudden death. They decide on a really cool Zombie apocalypse shooting game and Chrissy and I agree on it too. Haven't played a game like that in a while but I remember beating Daebak at it..hehehe.. we put the coins in and pick up the fake guns on the table-thingy. Then I press start and the screen switches for us to decide on the difficulty and stuff.

Because this is a two player game in the first place all we have to do is play and the game will compare our scores for us at the end so after we pick the difficulty to be at easy the screen flashes and then the game starts. Eight minutes later the game is almost finished and Chrissy and I are both fighting for survival in this game. I can admit that I wasn't wrong about my skills on this but Chrissy also seems to be good at it so it might be very close... then the timer for ten seconds goes off in the corner of each of our sides of the big screen and I start to really just belt it out and go crazy with shooting, I quite literally just shoot bullets wherever I see something.

Once the timer stops and the game ends it takes a second to load the results and in that time Chrissy and I both look at each other with competitive smiles while wiping a little sweat from our foreheads. It may not seem like it but games like that really are a workout, aigoo. Once it loads Criselda basically screams jumping up and down while I pout and look at the ground, oh well I guess.

Jungkook joins Chrissy in her 'celebrations' and Jimin-ah comes to join me in my 'loss'. He comes up to me and puts an arm around my waist and pulls me a tiny bit closer to him "don't be upset Jagiya~" he says in a comforting but sweet tone before placing a little kiss on my lips and then a peck on my forehead. Heheheh..he's too sweet~... Meanwhile Chrissy and Kookie are just jumping around and hugging like they've won the Olympics or something.

Annyeong guys~! I really hoped you enjoyed that chapter I would have uploaded it yesterday but I was at a party so ya know XP but uhm as usual I don't have anything else to say...literally, so, imma go and get some EdUmAcAtIoN XD Thanks for reading my fellow ARMYs! Buh-byyyeee~!


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