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Hiiiii~! So I've decided to stop being such a goddamn koreaboo and stop using random words. I just want to write like I usually would, I'm gonna transition from Jimin calling you Jagiya to something else (you'll see ;)) and I won't use 'Jimin-ah' for when you're talking It'll be either just Jimin or Jiminie and when his name is just mentioned in the story, I'll just say Jimin. I'll still use Honorifics tho cause those are important! XD So enjoy me writing in my usual sense XD now without further adieu! Let's get straight into it!

*•~•*•~•*??? P.O.V.*•~•*•~•*

"That stupid cow! How dare she take my true love from me!" I yell as I throw my remote at the TV. I stand up not even worried about the screen as the remote goes straight through the screen making the TV to go all sorts of colours. I huff and make my hands into tightly clenched fists. How. Dare. She. "I never trusted that stupid Kim Y/N. I knew she'd take him from me sooner or later..." I murmur as I sigh deeply and push my long hair from my face.

Time to take some drastic measures

I pick up my phone and punch in the password, I scroll through my contacts and smirk when I see the name. I click the number and he answers in three rings "Hi, yeah, it's Mi-Hwa..I think I'll need that favour now."

*•~•*•~•*Y/N P.O.V.*•~•*•~•*

"Hahahehe! Jimin-ah please! I'm trying to cook for you, do you want to eat or not?" I ask Jimin laughing as he picks comes up from behind me while I'm cooking ramen for us and lifting me up while resting his head on my shoulder, digging his face into the spot between my neck and shoulder. Hehe cutie~. Actually it makes me blush a little considering I can feel his warmth breath on my neck...ah! Y/N, bad! That's just creepy!...but it still feels nice...ahhhhh! Noooooo!

"No, I don't care about the food Jagiya I just wanna have fun~" he purrs into my ear which makes my face heat up a little more "Jiimiiinn-ahhh! The food is gonna over cook! You may not care but I do, I'm hungry!" I whine as I try to get out of his grasp laughing. He only tightens his grip and before I can do anything else he turns around and puts me on the counter top, then stares me in the eyes with the same look as earlier. I give him a closed mouth smile/smirk with a facial expression that says 'really?' while I shake my head a little, he sighs and puts his forehead on my chest which makes me blush "sorry babe, I'm just really, really, bored...I wanna at least have a little fun" he says as he looks back up to me pouting then grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him. B-babe?? Did he just call me babe..? Hm.. I kinda like it. I think as I chuckle a little and hug him back "it'a alright" I mumble into his ear before he chuckles deeply, and I mean deeply, like a really dark and...sexy? tone?? YeAh. SeXy. Hah! Listen to me calling this adorable ball of fluff, sexy. Hah! Well...I mean he...gah! No! Not again...stop thinking like that, just stop.

I take a breath and then stop hugging him "you know..if you keep distracting me you'll never get proper attentiiioonn~" I say sweetly still not dropping the fact that the ramen is probably now actually starting to over cook. He sighs again and says "pfft...fiine" he backs off me and lifts me off the counter. I giggle and poke his adorable mochi cheeks before staring to prepare the ramen.

I put the two bowls on the table and Jimin and I both take a bits at the same time, and just as simultaneously spitting it back into the bowl. OVERCOOKED. God dammit Jimin...
we both wipe our mouths and I frown "hmph. That's what happens when you distract me while I'm cooking!" I accuse him, he just sighs and chuckles before leaning back in his chair looking at the roof and taking a sip of his drink "well maybe next time you should tell me to stop and I will" he says smirking and looking back at me by now I have again, and expression that says 'really?'   he just laughs again and I stand up looking him in the eye "I did tell you to stop" I say raising an eyebrow and putting my hands on my hips sassily.

Fate: BTS Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now