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(Chapter Two)

Earlier That Week

Alex and Kara were giggling on Alex's couch, eating dinner and getting it everywhere. Maggie had brought Pizza and Potstickers for the girls to eat while they watched a movie and then she had left for an unknown reason.

"I'm just glad you're okay. I couldn't have even comprehended doing that mission without you."

"You knew I would get through it. Also, Lillian seems to have backed off for now. It'll be ages before she strikes again and we can figure out something to catch her with."

"She has Kryptonite, you have to be careful."

"Alex, she's not going to try and hurt me again after I kicked her ass that hard. It took me two days to get out of a coma from a beating like that, she's going to be out for a very long time. Until then, look at pictures of my date with Jake." Kara grabbed out her phone and showed Alex her new alien 'boyfriend'.

"You're too good for him, Kara."

"But he's so nice." She whined. "Not to mention, look at those dimples!" She pointed at the picture and Alex scoffed.

"You know I'm no person to ask for judgement on men." They laughed and Alex grabbed the last potsticker that had been sitting on the coffee table.

"Alex... how... dare... you!" Alex smirked. "If that potsticker is not in my mouth..."

"Oh, go fly out the window and buy yourself more, you had six out of the seven that Maggie brought in. I am keeping this one." She stuffed it in her mouth before Kara could say another word. The sisters laughed again, completely unaware that the camera on her phone was being monitored by none other than Cadmus.

Kara woke slowly, the sun burning her eyes when she opened them so she decided to keep them closed. She hadn't remembered falling asleep, let alone on the couch. Memories of last night popped into her mind, making her smile at her sister's dorky nature. Underneath all of that 'Agent Danvers, tough girl' facade, the eldest Danvers sister was as much a dork as her little sister.

She stood and opened her eyes again, seeing nothing but darkness. This confused her because a moment ago, she could barely keep her eyes open because of how dark it was. She felt herself wobbling off balance and when she fell, strong arms caught her.

"Stop falling for me, Miss Danvers, you're not my type." A familiar voice said. Kara didn't realise but she had her eyes closed as a brace for the impact she knew couldn't hurt her. She opened them again, seeing none other than Lena Luthor holding her.

"Are you sure?" She kissed the brunette, who kissed back. Kara pulled away, now confused as to where she was. "Wait, where... this is Alex's apartment." She said, looking around. "What are you doing here?"

"I went to your apartment but you weren't there. I looked for you for a while but couldn't find you so I called Alex, who told me to come here and sit with you while you rested at home." Kara rolled her eyes and made Lena let her stand. "She said you got hurt during a mission, are you okay?"

"I'm completely fine. I healed after an hour under the sun-lamps, she's just over-reacting."

"Why don't we go out for lunch today? Just the two of us."

"Lena, we can't..."

"As friends, to the outside world, no-one has to know except you, me and Jake."

"Maybe Jake can come considering he's the one you chose to be 'fake dating'." Kara grabbed her phone and texted her fake boyfriend.

KARA - So, Lena and I want to go out for lunch but it might be suspicious so we were wondering if you would come with us

JAKE - Sure, Noonan's?

KARA - Yep, meet you there at 1 pm?

JAKE - Done

Lunch rolled around and the two women were sitting at the table waiting for Jake to arrive. When he did, Kara made a point of getting up to hug him. Even though Lena knew it wasn't real, the two of them together made her uncomfortable. She tried not to let it show but Kara could tell so she toned it down slightly to make her girlfriend happy.

Kara hated lying to people. Not just about Lena and Jake but about what was to happen in four days. She wanted these last few days with her friends to be happy and joyful and fun but every time she started to enjoy herself, she thought of having to leave them all and a frown made it's way across her face.

Lena noticed this just as they were leaving Noonan's. She didn't want to mention it as not to upset the blonde but she knew something was going on. Back at Kara's apartment, the three of them sat on the couch. Lena and Kara on the big one and Jake on the singular one across from them.

They watched a movie and Lena waited for Jake to leave so she could talk to Kara.

"Something has been on your mind all day. You have been off and it's scaring me."

"Nothing's wrong. It's just really weird sneaking around with you and having Jake there as like a bodyguard for people's judgement." Kara wasn't really lying but she refused to tell Lena the whole truth, even if it meant hurting her, she couldn't tell anyone of her plans or even speak them out loud.

"Then we stop sneaking around."


"I'm serious. We stop sneaking around and just act like it's always been this way. Who knows, maybe people will just accept it."

"I can't, I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want people to know I love you. It's just that I'm scared..."

"Of what? The worst that could happen is a few people judging." Lena was slowly running her fingers through Kara's hair, marvelling at how soft it was.

"Lena, your mother won't be too keen on you and I being together."

"Oh, come on! What do you think she's gonna do?" Lena had seemed to have forgotten that her mother was set out to kill Supergirl anyway.

"You have no idea," Kara muttered, almost too quiet for Lena to hear.



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