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(Chapter Eight)

"Lena told you? Why?" Kara was excited to see Sam but she was worried about who else might know she's alive. Sam needed to get back out of the Fortress before her team noticed she had been gone longer than she was supposed to.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is I am taking you home."

"Sam, I need to stay here until Alex and the DEO takes down Cadmus."

"Okay. I know you are Supergirl but I never knew about any of that other stuff."

"Alex and I work for the DEO, Cadmus is hell-bent on killing all aliens and I am at the top of their hitlist. Or was until I supposedly died." Kara took in a deep breath. "You have to leave. Tell Lena I love her?"

"I will." Sam gave Kara another hug before stepping out and heading back to the boat where the rest of her team was waiting. "Let's go. There was nothing in there, just old ruins." She took in a shaky breath and looked back at the door. She smiled when Kara popped her head out and waved. "Lena loves you, Kara. Just remember that." Sam whispered, unsure whether Kara could hear her.

Sam arrived at Lena's office two days later with a smile plastered across her face. Lena looked up and saw this, grimacing at Sam's good mood.

"Guess what I found!" Sam stated rather proudly.

"If it's anything but my girlfriend, I don't want to hear it." Lena went back to her work, not really paying attention to her.

"Then you will want to hear it." Lena looked back up with a look in her eyes that Sam hadn't seen for a while. The look of Hope.

Alex stood on the balcony, thinking about what Kara would think of her now. She was the new director of the DEO. J'onn went back to Mars and he had left Alex with the role before heading off. Alex smiled, the thought of Kara's dorky grin was imprinted in her mind and the sound of Kara's giggle rang in her ears.

"Alex?" She looked to her side and saw Winn, his eyes puffy from crying but he had tried to cover it up.

"I'd like to be alone, Winn."

"It's sort of important, we found a Kryptonian heat signature. It isn't Clark and, well, I'm pretty sure it isn't Kara."

"How do you know it's not Clark?"

"Because it's a female signature. Also, I looked at security cameras and it doesn't look like either of them."

"Either of them?"

"Well, the heat signatures are from a while before you were even kidnapped by Cadmus." He grabbed Alex's arm and dragged her to the computer screens. She looked up at them and watched as Winn toyed with the saturation on the pictures until both Alex and Winn recognised who it was. "Holy Rao!" Winn exclaimed.

Kara sat on the ground of the Fortress and grabbed a candle. She had heard Sam's last words before she left on the boat. 'Lena loves you'. It made her feel relaxed and safe, the way she felt when she was around her girlfriend. She asked Kelex to leave her alone for a while and when he left, she began.

"Though we go forth alone, our soul unites us under Rao's gladsome rays. We are never lost, never afraid. For we shrink not under the sun of righteousness." Kara thought of Alex, her only sister, who was probably either fighting or drinking at this time, which she was. "Rao binds us to those we love." Kara smiled slightly as she thought of Lena and how she was most likely working her ass off for a deadline. "He gives us strength when we have none. And in the darkest places, he guides us." A tear threatened to fall down Kara's cheek when the memories of Mon-El flashed across her mind. The grief of losing him to another woman was still strong in her heart. "For Rao sees all, is all. His love, eternal. Rao, protect us so that we might protect others."

"And we shall rise, a fire in his hearth, burning and free." Kara turned to see who had said the last part of Rao's prayer with her. She froze, letting the tear fall when the familiar face spoke. "Hello, little one."

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