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(Chapter Three)

Present Day

"How did you fake your death? Isn't it hard for Supergirl to fake her death?"

"When I heard that Lillian was after me again, I came up with the plan to let her think she killed me but really it was a different alien who basically can't die but still is able to be hurt. It took them a while to be able to convince me they would be okay."

"So, you didn't get hurt?" Lena grabbed her girlfriend and hugged her. "I thought you were dead. Alex wouldn't tell me anything!" Kara pulled away, not wanting to stay too long.

"That's because she doesn't know."

"You mentioned that. But why?" Lena led her to the couch and they both sat down. "Alex is a lot more trustworthy than me."

"I didn't want anyone knowing. You aren't even supposed to know."

"Well, you could knock me out and hope for the best." They both laughed and Kara relaxed. "Where are you staying while you are supposed to be dead?"

"Probably the Fortress of Solitude."

"What about my apartment?" Lena almost regretted the words that flew out of her mouth but before she could, Kara spoke.

"Sorry. I can't risk anyone knowing that I am alive. I can't stay with you, I'm sorry." They both jumped when someone knocked on the door.

"Hide!" Kara ran to the desk and hid underneath, listening to the conversation. Lena tried to act natural when she saw who came in. "Alex, are you okay?"

"Hi, I need to talk to you about something." She said, tears gushing down her face.

"What... What happened?" Lena was going to have to pretend she didn't already know, which Lena thought would be hard but just the thought of Kara's death made tears well up in her eyes.

"Kara... she..."

"I know, Alex. I understand. Just please don't... please don't say it." Lena let the tears fall, she thought about what it would feel like if Kara had died by Lillian's hand and it made the show more believable. Alex nodded and went to leave. "Wait, Alex." Lena wanted to tell her so much. It was torture watching a sister grieve over something you know isn't real.

"What?" She turned around and wiped the tears from her cheeks. In her eyes was a blank look and it frightened Lena.

"Kara isn't..." She suddenly thought of what Kara would do if she told Alex. Kara would push her away and stop trusting her. "Kara wouldn't want you to think..."

"Alex..." Kara stood from her place under the desk. Alex just turned and walked out. Lena and Kara looked at each other then back at where Alex had been. "I think that went well." Kara joked.

"You need to go talk to her."

"I can't. I... she needs time." Kara flew out the window, not realising that Lena was truly upset about everything that had happened. She got halfway home and felt nauseated, then a sharp pain in her leg.

Kara landed in the fortress with a shard of Kryptonite stuck in her leg. She struggled to get it out and yelped in pain when she tried to pull it and it shifted. She laid down on the ground and closed her eyes, not even wanting to stop the bleeding. Her plan had failed, someone knew she was alive and this someone had Kryptonite, this meant it was either the DEO or Lillian and she doubted that the DEO would shoot her with Kryptonite.

"Lady Kara?" A small robotic AI emerged from behind a wall.

"Kelex? I thought I disabled you." Kara tried to stand but the pain was too much. She moved so she was propped up against

"Master Kal El fixed me. Do you need help?" He hovered down to her, put one of his hands over the shard and pulled as hard as he could. Kara screamed and passed out but at least the shard was out.

Faked - Supergirl AUWhere stories live. Discover now