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(Chapter Five)

Kara sat on the edge of her bed, unsure of what to do. After about an hour in this small room, she felt like she was going insane. She had made up her mind that she was in Cadmus and that no-one would find her because, you know, she's supposed to be dead. Suddenly the door opened and Clark appeared.

"You look like her."

"It is me, Kal."

"That exactly what you would say if you weren't her."

"It's also what I would say if I was me. Which I am. Please, Kal you have to believe me." Kara stood to walk to her cousin but he didn't budge. "Kal?"

"We watched you die. It's been a week. The burial is tomorrow. If you can prove to me that you are Supergirl, I will tell Alex and I'll take you back to National City."

"Alex can't know I am back. No-one was supposed to know."

"I found you on the Fortress floor bleeding out. I went there for clarity after I found out that my only blood relative died. You haven't healed, even under the sun. That means you aren't Kara." He walked away. Kara felt miserable, even her own blood didn't believe that she was, well, her.

Alex downed the last of the scotch. She tried to demand more scotch but the bartender had enough of the very drunk woman before him.

"Someone who drinks that much is usually looking to forget something." She turned to see Maggie. "I know we aren't together anymore, Danvers, but I am still allowed to ask. Are you okay?"

"Well, my sister died and I hallucinated seeing her. Other than that, I'm sure there's nothing wrong." Tears threatened to fall but she laughed it off, grabbing her glass and putting it to her mouth before realising it was empty. "I'm out of scotch at home and now I can't even get a drink from a fuc..." Maggie cut her off and grabbed her arm to lift her off the chair.

"Let's get you home."

Maggie threw Alex onto the couch and walked to the kitchen to grab water. She handed her ex the glass and knelt down next to her head. "Maggie, water is boring. Go get some more alcohol, that's what stops the pain, not water." She whined, tipping the water on Maggie.

"Trust me, this water is preventing some of the pain of the hangover you will have in the morning. Just drink please." She handed Alex what was left of the water in the glass.

"I don't want to feel anymore. I had a glimpse of that numb feeling and I just want it to never end. I want the pain to go away, Maggie."

"I know, baby. I know." Maggie took Alex into her arms. Alex was shaking violently because of the sobbing but Maggie held her until she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Alex woke with a pounding headache and ringing in her ears. She looked around, Maggie was on the couch in the other room, watching TV and there was a body next to her. She was scared to see who it was. She rolled over to see an old friend curled up and sleeping soundly.

Kara used all of her force to slam her body against the wall. She groaned when it didn't budge and all that happened was searing pain down her arm. She wanted to go home. She wanted her life back. She sat on the ground next to the door with her back up against the wall. For about three hours, she just sat there, quietly praying to Rao.

"Do you guys have a candle?" She yelled, hopefully, someone could hear her. "No candle? Okay."

"Why?" A voice from a speaker in the corner said.

"You guys want to know if I am who you think I am, right? I'll literally pray to Rao and convince you." 

"We can't allow you to have dangerous items."

"Just bring me a candle so I can say Rao's prayer. Make sure Clark is here when I say it. I am pretty sure he remembers the prayer."

"We can't allow you to have dangerous items." Kara realised it was an automated system so she said the word 'candle' again, testing something and suddenly, it said the exact same thing.

"Why can't I leave?" Silence. "Who's keeping me here? Is it just my cousin?" Silence. Kara gave up and sat back down. She hadn't realised until now but her leg had healed. She unwrapped the bandage and looked at the spot where Kelex had dug out a shard of Kryptonite. She shuddered at the thought of Kryptonite.

"Kara?" She stood and looked at the speaker. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I know you guys don't believe me but..." The door swung open and revealed Clark. "So, do you believe me?"

"No. But we have something that will make you talk." He moved out of the way and a few soldier looking guys walked in with a chair and suitcase. They grabbed Kara by the arms and shoved her to a seating position. She struggled a lot so Clark opened the case and pulled out a needle.

"What are you doing with that?" She shook her head and screamed 'no' as Clark injected the liquid into her arm. Her whole body went limp for a few seconds and then she suddenly jerked her head upwards. Tears were streaming down her face and she was terrified at what her cousin was doing.

"Now you are going to tell us everything."

Faked - Supergirl AUWhere stories live. Discover now