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(Chapter Six)

"Cadmus? You faked your death to get away from Cadmus?" Clark yelled, making Kara nervous to tell him the whole story. She didn't have a choice whether she did or not, which made her even more scared. She thought for a second, trying to fight off the Sodium Pentothal but it wasn't working. She just decided to give in to the truth.

"I know it's hard to believe, I know you saw the body but it wasn't me. When Alex got captured, I knew I had to do something but I didn't know what. When I heard about an Alien that could get hurt but not die while he was shapeshifted into a person, I hired him to help me fake my death."

"How is this helping, Kara? What's the reason for you doing this?" Kara sighed, not wanting to answer the question but the drug she was under stopped her from hiding anything.

"I am in love with Lena. Until I know for sure that Cadmus is gone, I need her to be safe. If Supergirl dies, Cadmus won't hassle her and she is safe." Kara held back tears, unable to stop herself from letting the real reason out. "Cadmus might kill her if they think she has information on Supergirl. I can't risk them finding out that I love her, they might use her against me."

Lena marvelled at how Sam took the news. Not the news of Kara's fake demise, Lena couldn't bring herself to tell her that. The news of how Kara and Lena had been together for quite some time.

"So, my two best friends are a couple. Never thought that would happen. So where is Kara? I haven't seen her for weeks."

"She..." Lena somehow felt like she couldn't lie. She wanted to keep the truth from Sam but she felt as though something was forcing her to tell the truth. "She faked her death." Lena closed her eyes, immediately wanting to take back what she had said.

"What?" Sam stood for emphasis. "Why the hell would she do that?" She struggled to take in the information.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you go along with the idea that she is dead. You and I are the only two that know, I think."

"You think?" Sam practically yelled.

"Well, I haven't seen her in a while, okay?" Lena fired back. Sam jumped at the raw emotion in Lena's voice. "It's hard to tell if anyone else knows, she hasn't even spoken to me let alone seen me since she first let me know she was okay." Sam nodded and walked to behind the desk, pulling Lena in for a hug. 

Suddenly, Lena pulled away, feeling sick and weak, she felt like her insides were on fire. Sam caught her as she tried to stand but fell to the ground, screaming.

Kara cried in agony, yelling for Clark but he wasn't there to hear her. The only people who could hear her were the one inflicting the pain. They stopped and walked away, leaving her bleeding. The door closed behind them and a loud beeping noise started. After a minute of this beeping, her cuffs opened and she was released. The lights in the room turned yellow and she felt her strength returning. She finally had her powers back and she used them to bust herself out of wherever this terrible place was. 

Alex and Sara were sitting at the dinner table when Alex groaned and then pulled out her phone, making Sara sigh and put her cutlery down to talk to her.

"What is it?"

"Clark. I haven't told him yet. He doesn't know that Kara died, he should know when the funeral is." Alex dialled his number and relaxed when it picked up.

"Alex, I am going to have to call you back, Mr White needs this paper and..." Clark stumbled over his words, as usual. He needed to get a paper in two hours ago and his boss wasn't going to like that he was late. Now his cousin's sister was calling him? He really needed a break. He made a mental note to call Kara later and tell her he was on his way to National City. These plans, however, were squandered when Alex spoke next.

"This is important, Clark. Whatever Mr White needs, it can wait. This is about Kara." Alex tried not to cry as she told Clark that the only other Kryptonian was dead.

Lois walked into the room as Clark sunk to his knees. She wrapped her arms around him as he cried over losing his cousin. "I have... I have to go." He stood and flew to the Fortress of Solitude.

"Master Kal, how may I be of service?"

"I need to know the prayer..."

"Of Rao?"

"Of the dead."

Faked - Supergirl AUWhere stories live. Discover now