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(Chapter Nine)

Alex pulled together a team to go after Lillian. They had finally found her, and Alex was anxious to catch her and make her pay. She couldn't be stopped in her quest for revenge, she was now the DEO's director. No-one could tell her what to do. On one hand, this scared her because without J'onn and Kara, she didn't know what she might do. On the other hand, this was exciting and without J'onn and Kara, she knew that she was able to get everything out and get justice for her sister.

"Danvers?" Alex spun and saw none other than Maggie.

"What are you doing here? We are going to get Lillian so I can't talk for long." She was cleaning her weapons and making sure everything was there, this was her way of seeming busy when really she didn't want to look her ex-fiance in the eyes.

"I came to help. Kara was my friend, Alex. Even after you and I split, Kara and I still caught up and had lunch every now and again. I was probably the only person other than you who knew the truth."

"You know how many people know about Supergirl, Maggie. Don't feel special because she told you, Winn found out the day after she first came out as Supergirl." Maggie scoffed and laughed.

"Not about that. About her and Lena." Alex's full attention was now on Maggie. She glared at Maggie, silent but still giving Maggie the look that told her to spill whatever information her sister had been keeping. "Lena and Kara were a thing, I thought you knew that."

"She was dating Jake." Alex sighed. "Why would she keep something like that from me?"

"Probably the same reason she's keeping a bigger secret from you." Alex pointed her gun behind Maggie at the woman who just spoke. "You really need to upgrade your security. I just flew in here without a problem."

"Astra, how... are..." Alex lowered her weapon. "Stand down." She ordered and everyone followed.

"I woke up in that tiny pod you guys sent me off in when you killed me. I didn't know where I was so I broke the glass. I was expecting to have the air sucked from my lungs in space but instead, I was on this ship that kept moving through time. I hid for a while until it landed on Earth in the time I knew my niece would be."

"I don't understand... what's this 'bigger secret'?" Alex stepped towards the Kryptonian.

"Kara is alive."

Kara paced the Fortress, trying to think of what to do. Her aunt had just revealed that she was alive and then left to tell Alex. Kara knew that Astra was going to tell her sister the whole plan about her death and she couldn't do anything but wait.

Four hours passed and Astra hadn't returned, Kara was getting extremely worried now. Dozens of 'what if' questions came to Kara's mind but the worst one was 'What if Alex believes her?'

The door opened and Kara braced for Astra and Alex but instead, Superman appeared. "What's wrong?" He ran to her. She only now noticed she was crying.

"Astra, she's alive," Kara said frantically. "She's going to tell Alex that I am alive. You have to go to the DEO and get Astra out of there before she ruins everything." Clark put his hands on Kara's shoulders to calm her.

"Kara, they have a location on Lillian. They left an hour ago, Astra went with them. She told them that you were alive and that the only way they would see you again was to get rid of Lillian for good."

"So, they are going to kill her?" Kara started getting more frantic and she was now hyperventilating.

"No, they are going to catch her and send her to Fort Rozz."

"She'll get out, I know she will." Kara flew away and headed straight for National City. From there, she hovered above ground to where the exact middle of the city was. She closed her eyes and listened hard for that familiar heartbeat that would soothe her at night when she was a kid.

She located where her sister was and used all of her strength to get there. When she arrived where Alex was she watched from above as her sister snuck her way through the air vents into the Cadmus base. She smiled, knowing that Alex could handle this and that Lillian would soon be imprisoned in Fort Rozz.

Kara clenched her jaw at the sight of Lillian one room over from where Alex was. She couldn't contain herself so she flew through the roof and knocked Lillian off her feet. Kara hadn't remembered that Lillian had Kryptonite, it made her weak the moment she stepped foot in the room.

"Kara! How nice of you to join us." Lillian exclaimed. "To be honest, I am glad you are alive. Now I can kill you all over again."

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