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There's a few seconds of silence, as if everyone is trying to comprehend what happened. I can see Akia relax. Whatever just happened, it turned out to be good for her. I can imagine why. Peridot disappearing really seems to validate her actions.

"Everyone," Lance speaks up, breaking the silence. "Search the area. Report any signs of Peridot immediately." There's a unified sound of affirmation and then everyone is off. Except for Akia. She stands there looking relieved. Averie runs up to her.

Akia glances down, looking confused. "Averie? What's wrong?" Akia smiles and leans down to pet Averie. Averie backs away from the hand and assumes a defensive stance. The smile immediately drops from Akia's face. "What's your deal? And why the hell are you down here anyway?" I take this opportunity to step out of the shadows. I'm still a little shaky, but not as tired as I should be. Not as tired as I was earlier.

"Akia," I call. My voice is quiet. Quieter than I anticipated. She still hears me nonetheless. Akia looks unperturbed at seeing me.

"Why are you down here? Go back up and rest." Her tone betrays her words. She doesn't care much about me resting, I can tell. She probably doesn't even want to know why I'm down here. I think she's more concerned about Averie.

I ignore both questions. "I thought you were going to get a doctor."

"Well, I got sidetracked." She obviously wasn't going to get a doctor. "Again, you should be resting. There's no reason for you to be out here." She looks down to Averie whose tail starts to wag slowly from side to side. "And what's wrong with Averie?"

I ignore her again. She's not asking out of concern­­­­— I know Akia too well to believe that. "What did you actually hear Peridot talking about?" She side-eyes me and chuckles.

"Nothing gets past you, does it? Well, it was nothing you should be concerned about. Just some information about me that I'd rather him not go around talking about." I guess the face I made was concerning because Akia quickly followed up. "Nothing too major. Just some things that shouldn't really be known around here."

What could she be talking about? I mean besides the obvious fact that we aren't who we say we are. What else is there that Akia doesn't want people to know? And why does Peridot know it?

"Don't stress yourself too much, little cousin. Let me take you back up to your room." She walks forward, Averie firmly places herself between Akia and me. "What the hell is your problem?" Averie doesn't budge. I feel tense, suddenly. Is Averie trying to protect me from Akia? Why? What did Akia do?

I try to defuse the situation. "It's fine. You should be out there looking for Peridot." She frowns but doesn't move. "I'll just ask a doctor to show me up to my room. Or better yet, Averie can show me the way."

I guess Averie is satisfied with that answer because she turns away and leads me to the front entrance. Why the hell did she bring me down here if she wasn't going to do anything? Whatever the reason, she's put me on edge now. I mean, her feeling protective of me against Lance is understandable. Lance does not like me and is in a position of power that could hurt me. It makes perfect sense why she would be wary of Lance.

But why Akia? Akia has always been nice to us. Hell, earlier Averie was sitting in Akia's lap just fine. What happened in less than an hour that changed that? I think it has something to do with her evolving. It could be that she's still not used to it? Maybe I'll do a little research later.

Ugh, I'm tired. The exhaustion is quickly creeping its way into my body again. Whatever it was that took it away, I need it to hold it off again. At least until I'm back in my room. We seem close. I recognize the hallway, but every hallway in a hospital looks the same. I might as well just continue. I let my mind shut off and groggily follow Averie as she leads me.

- - - - -

I don't remember falling asleep. I don't even remember making it back to my room. I can't say I feel too much better, though. My eyes are heavy, and my body feels sorer than yesterday. Averie is curled up at my side, resting. I don't know if she's asleep. She looks too tense.

It looks to be about 10 o'clock. Man, I slept for a long time. Wish I had the energy to show for it. I grab for the little pager on my bed and call for a nurse. I'm a little hungry, and I bet Averie hasn't eaten either. It might take a while for the nurse to get here, though. And I'm still very tired. I don't want to fall asleep before the nurse arrives.

I guess maybe I could do some research on Espeon while I wait. Hmm. There are no computers in here and my Pokégear doesn't have internet capabilities or anything. Maybe I should have upgraded. . .

Oh yeah. A Pokédex. I forgot they gave me one. I roll over slowly to the side of my bed and reach into the bag of my things that are placed there. Eventually, I manage to grab it and situate myself back on my bed.

I'm not well versed in using a Pokédex. As a kid, I never had the chance to. I was just expected to know what every Pokémon was. Thinking on it, this may be the first time I've ever really used a Pokédex. Oh well. They don't look all too hard.

I flip open the case and press the little search icon. There doesn't seem to be a way to search a Pokémon exactly by name so instead I get as specific as I can with typing, size, color, etc. Eventually, Espeon pops up.

"Espeon, the Sun Pokémon. By reading air currents, it can predict things such as the weather or its foe's next move."

I've heard about this, but I didn't think it was actually true. Still, it doesn't really give me much information. I scroll through a few more entries like this. Most talk about how Espeon can read air currents and detect the weather. Eventually I come across one that stands out to me.

"An Espeon is extremely loyal to any trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said to have developed precognitive powers to protect its trainer from harm."

Is that what it is? Is Averie just foreseeing bad things to happen? . . .But what is she seeing? And what does it have to do with Akia? Why is Averie all of a sudden so defensive?

Okay, calm down. What are the facts? I know Akia was lying to the others last night. And I know that it had something to do with a secret Peridot knew. Was she also lying when she said it was something about her? She was so dismissive though. Maybe. . . I'm not sure.

I look over to Averie. She has shifted from her previously curled up position to stare right at me. Is she reading my thoughts? That was another thing I just read about Espeon. They can read other people's thoughts. Maybe that's why she was so wary of Akia. Averie was reading Akia's thoughts.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but the twitch of Averie's ear at my previous thought leads me to believe she is reading my thoughts. Averie crawls her way over to me and rubs her nose against my hand. It's surprisingly warm. I scratch her behind the tufts of fur on the side of her face. I can hear her making a low purring noise. I let out a sigh.

Oh, little girl. . . What have we gotten into now?

- - - - - - - - - -

Not much to say here. . . Um, thanks for reading! Feel free to leave any corrections or suggestions that you have. See you next Saturday.


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