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Russet's P.O.V.

What happened? What does she mean don't contact her? Why not?! I can't just sit here and wait.

But what am I supposed to do?

I mean, I guess she gave me an assignment of sorts that I haven't done yet but it's so difficult and strange. But she believes in me. Sienna is smart, she wouldn't give me a job she didn't think I could do.

Right? Right. No, I can't let her down. I've already failed her once.

Right now, I'm sitting on a bench in Snowbelle. It's cold, like always, but it isn't snowing, so that's good. I was on my way to speak with Sage, but I kinda got side tracked. Sienna's text kinda threw me for a loop. And I'm already tired. I just needed a moment to think. There's so much I need to do, and I really need her right now. Ugh.

I press the bridge of my nose and lean back to face the sky. There's not much to look at. It's gray. How exciting. . .

"Russet?" I hear a familiar voice, though I wasn't expecting to hear it here in Snowbelle. I look and find Cerise standing in the snow, a scarf obscuring most of her face. I know it's her though. Besides the voice, the sadly familiar look in her eye behind the blonde strands of hair tell it all. The empty, lifeless brown of her formally exuberant eyes serve as a sad reminder of all that has happened in the last four years.

"Cerise, hey." A few seconds of silence pass. "So. . . what are you doing here?" She walks over and takes a seat next to me.

She doesn't look at me when she starts talking. "I needed to talk to you." Arceus, her voice. It's so. . . dead. She sounds so tired and disconnected. I look over to her. She sits slumped on the bench, unmoving except for the slight motion of her breathing. Her head is down, further obscuring her face from my view.

"About what," I ask. I have a feeling if I don't push her, we'll be here a while.

She sighs quietly. "I've been talking with people and well. . . Russ, what exactly have you been doing?"

"You know exactly what I've been doing: working for the League as a coach."

She looks up but not at me. She just stares vacantly ahead. "I know that but Russ the league isn't even active right now. We're in a civil war. Yet, you've been so busy. So focused."

"I'm just doing my job," I say. "It's tiring but I'm not gonna let anyone get in the way of it."

She shakes her head. "I don't know. You've been so. . . I guess obsessive. I can see it in your eyes—you're exhausted. I'm worried about you. Russ, please. What's wrong? What have you been doing?"

Should I tell Cerise about Sienna? Sienna wouldn't like that, but. . . maybe she deserves to know. She's been through a lot too. And she came all this way, even if it's just another town over. If explaining to her will ease her worries. . . she deserves at least that much.

I give in. I tell her about how I've been working with Sienna. I don't go into too much detail. I know Sienna wouldn't like that. I try to be as vague as possible, only telling Cerise about how Sienna just wants Sage safe—nothing that I've done to try and keep him safe.

She's quiet. For just a moment, I can see a little light flash in her eyes, a little bit of the passion she once had. Her expression doesn't change, but her voice is tighter than usually. It's like she's holding back.

"You haven't seen Sienna in over four years. What has she even done for you? Why are you still helping her?"

Why am I still doing this? "Um. . . I mean, why wouldn't I help?" I give a halfhearted chuckle. Shit. Really— why am I helping her still? I mean, yeah, it's not like I want Sage to die or anything. I want to help him out and all but. . . Does he even want to leave? And besides, some of the stuff she asks of me. . . it doesn't really seem like it would help get Sage out of Kalos. Have I even accomplished anything?

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