Fairy godmother went back home and people where scared of her like she was the baddest. She went home and when she got there she called a meeting right away but no one showed up. The only on who showed up was Lucy and her eyes were green. So someone was controlling her because Fairy godmother knew that her dragon wouldn't show until she was 5 and she was only 3 years old. So the only way for her eyse to glow is if someone was controlling her. Fariy godmother was looking for all the other kids and adults so she look though the whole school. The last place she didn't look is the chamber so sge went down there and there was every one and Lucy was no where to been seen. Mal was the only one who could track her down. Fairy godmother couldn'd find Mal also. She didn't know what to do, but Ben knows where she was put. Lucy took Mal to the isle where she couldn't track Lucy. So the Fairy godmother took Ben to the isle and the only one there was Mal.