Home is (Usually) Where Your Dog Is

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A/N EXCITING NEWS! This chapter is the beginning of the end. I finally know exactly where it's headed. I have been getting such awesome feedback on this story that I have decided to do a Q&A video with me and my proofreader/best friend Sophie. That means you guys can comment/send/post any questions you have about me, writing, Scent, etc and I will answer them and link the video as soon as this story ends. If you don't have questions now, that's okay. You can send them any time from now until the last chapter :) I hope you guys are as excited as I am!

The first time I call it goes to voicemail, so I call again immediately, desperate for him to pick up. I’ve already started driving by the time he answers.

“Hey, everything okay? You never call me twice in a row.” His voice is breathy like he sprinted to his phone or something.

“No,” I say directly, “Everything isn’t okay. I’m headed to my dad’s right now because he said Rudy is dying.”

Hesitation and a big breath in. “Oh Mitch,” he whispers sympathetically, “I am so sorry.”

The tears that were welling up finally spill out, and it’s evident in my voice that I’m crying. “He’s dying of cancer just like my mom.” I sniffle, and it’s loud and gross.

He lets me cry for a few long seconds, knowing that I won’t be able to hear him through my sobs. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Come with me?” I sniffle. “I’m probably not going to stop crying so it’s sort of dangerous for me to drive.” My thumbnail runs across the wheel, anxiously waiting for his response as I pull up to a stoplight.

Apologetically, he replies, “I’m sorry, Mitch, but I work tomorrow.”

“Oh,” I say, dejected.

His voice continues to stay calm and smooth. “I really wish I could, but it would take some time to find someone to take my shift. It’s an early morning one. And it sounds like you’re already on your way.”

“I understand,” I say, even though I kind of don’t.

“Text me when you get there.”

“I will,” I say quickly and hang up. I’m way too emotional to deal with him any more than I just did.

I keep driving towards my dad’s house. For some reason I want to call it home, even though it never really was to me. Maybe it's because more and more, wherever Scott is doesn't feel like home.


When I pull into the driveway, it’s about 9:15 p.m. My eyes are barely open at this point. I drove for four hours straight with no breaks after an already socially-exhausting day. I park the car and check my phone that dinged a few times on my way here.

Kirstin: so fun having you over today!

Kirstin: I think you and my friends really clicked

Kirstin: sorry about Justine. She’s not usually like that. I don’t know what got into her

Kirstin: I think her and her boyfriend are having problems but that’s not myyyy buuusssinesss

Kirstin: MITCh why arent yoU answerINg mE

I barely crack a smile. If I wasn’t feeling so down, I probably would’ve laughed. It just feels inappropriate to do now.

Me: srry hon. i was driving. it was so much fun today. my dad called me as i was leaving and told me my dog is dying :( so i drove down here. see u monday

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