27 is Where God Decides You're Old Enough to Handle Things

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It’s finally almost my birthday. From April to July, nothing much happened except Scott and I had sex one other time (I know, I know, I'm dumb) and have gone on a few casual dates.

Lindsey got out of school for summer so me and her have been hanging out while Scott works. He works, like, every day or close to it, so I insisted on babysitting when I get off from work. Or at least checking in on her. It depends on his shift. But still, because we’re both at work, she has to spend most days alone in the apartment, and that’s really sad. She has no way to leave or do anything. There’s only a month of summer left anyway, then she’ll be back in school. I try not to think too much about it.

Also, Kirstie is ready to pop any day now. She took maternity leave a little early to prepare for the birth, but then realized there’s not too much to prepare for since Adam has already gotten the nursery ready, so she’s just been starting to plan their wedding. When I’m not checking up on Lindsey, I’m usually with Kirstie for support with wedding questions. With her intense pregnancy hormones, she needs as much help as she can get. She starts crying if I ask her which flower she wants at the ceremony. I’ve learned to let her ask me the questions.

Sometimes her friends join us too, so I’ve gotten pretty close with most of them as well. It’s so nice to have a group of friends now instead of relying on Scott’s schedule all the time.

Scott took off for my birthday, which was very nice of him. He said we can do anything I want, but I didn’t know what to tell him. Eventually we agreed on him making me a special dinner after we spend the day at the beach. Of course I want Lindsey there, but if she's hanging around, there's no chance of anything transpiring between Scott and me. I feel selfish, but it's also my birthday, so I feel like that's allowed? But to be honest, I'll probably let Lindsey come anyway.


My birthday starts out with replying to the sweet texts from Scott and Kirstie, then rolling out of bed and grabbing some cereal. I eat, thinking about what to pack for the beach, when there's a knock on my door.

I go to answer it, quickly trying to smooth out my tousled hair. When the door swings open, I find Scott standing there, handsome as ever, with flowers in his hands.

“Good morning, old man,” is his greeting, bright teeth shining through wide-awake lips. “May I come in?”

My eyes glimmer in excitement. “Of course, yeah.”

I step back slightly, allowing him more room, and when he's inside he gives me a peck on the cheek. Pink shoots over each cheek cell, and as I close the door, I'm hoping that it fades fast.

When I turn, Scott is standing in front of me, a playful smirk on his face.

“What?” I ask, trying to match the tone he's giving off.

“Aren't you going to ask who these flowers are for?”

I raise my eyebrows and hold back a giggle. “Who are those flowers for?”

“I'm so glad you asked!” He exclaims. “Let me tell you. There was once a--”

“Oh boy,” I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear.

“Hey! Let me tell my story.”

I gesture for him to go ahead, pinching my lips into a tight line so I don't laugh.

“Okay, so, there was once a handsome baker…”

I already break my cover, laughing a little.

“Miiiiitch,” he whines.

“Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry, okay? ‘There was a haaaaaandsome baker’ and…?”

“And he owned the most well-known bakery in Texas. It was so well-known, in fact, that everybody always thought it would be too crowded so no one ever stopped in.”

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