Kirstie, Adam, and I Have a Dinner and Scott Makes Me Worry. What's New?

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There are baby names discussed in this chapter, and I will name the baby whatever is most voted on, so please vote on one boy name and one girl name! :)

Mr. Davis asks me about my dad the next day, and I say something about how it was just a scare, that he should be recovering pretty quickly now, and that I’m sorry about locking myself in my office all morning.

I do feel bad about lying, but hey, I actually want to keep this job. Thanks to Kirstin, I can. Also, by the way, Kirstin told me no one really calls her Kirstin, that everyone calls her Kirst or Kirstie, but I can call her whatever I want; she thinks it’s cute that I use her full name. That makes me kind of embarrassed though so I’m going to actively start calling her Kirstie. It sounds more friendly than Kirstin.

Anyway, Kirstie and I have been hanging out quite a bit, and apparently her fiance is a little jealous, but she’s not too worried about it. She assures me that once he meets me, he’ll be more comfortable with the idea of her hanging around me. I know that’s her nice way of saying that he’ll believe I’m gay and won’t care anymore, but I don’t want to call her out like that.

They have been discussing names constantly, waiting to find out if it’s a boy or girl. She even asked for my opinion, and I almost cried, knowing that she respects what I think enough to actually consider naming her child based on what I say. They apparently narrowed down the list to three names for each, but they can’t decide past that.

The names are Jace, Spencer, or Finley for a boy, and Eliana, Violet, or Selena for a girl. I told her I’d think about it, but I’ll probably just ask Scott. She told me to hurry up and get my opinion in before she cements it with Adam (her fiance).

My mind has been all over the place recently (seriously, who couldn’t tell that from the way I’m writing all of this). When I told Kirstie that, she invited me over to have a relaxing dinner with her and Adam.

So I’m pulling into her driveway, and I’m nervous because I already know Adam is kind of jealous of me, but Kirstie said that he’s pretty timid and is probably smaller than I’m imagining. I reminded her I’ve seen his picture on Facebook, and I’m still scared. She giggled and said, “Oh yeah.”

But oh well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, so I walk to the door, still in my work clothes because they’re nice, plus she told me to come over right after work if I wanted. I knock, hoping Kirstie answers. She does and invites me inside, leading me to the kitchen, blabbering on about how excited she is that this could work out.

“Adam,” she addresses and he turns around from his place at the stove. “This is Mitch.”

Her hand is on my back and she nudges me forward. Adam looks nicer in person, and he’s taller than me but not by as much as I thought. He’s really not that scary so far.

He holds out his hand and delivers a firm shake to mine. “Hey Mitch, I’m Adam.”

“Hey.” I press my lips together awkwardly. “So what’s for dinner?”

“Barbecued chicken, baked potatoes, broccoli,” he answers. “I hope that’s alright.”

“Yeah, yeah, sounds great.”

I take him in. Light brown hair, slightly longer on top than the sides. Sky blue eyes. Some slightly crooked teeth, but they don’t actually look too bad, and thin lips that hide them. He has some acne scars on his cheeks, but they aren’t moon craters or anything, just little divots. Over all, fairly handsome. Kirstie is so gorgeous she could’ve done better, but I don’t know him yet, and I’m sure his personality makes up for anything he lacks physically.

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