He Needs to Get His Head on Strai-- Well, as Much as It Can Be

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A/N: I am so, so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. To be honest with you, my boyfriend and I of over 3 years broke up in late April, and I have had zero motivation to do anything since. But we're on better terms now, so everything is starting to return back to normal. I am going on an international trip in two weeks, so I'll try to update again before I leave to make up for it. I hope this chapter is okay! And if it's not my best, please understand.

Scott shows up in plaid and jeans, looking a little tired but fresh from his shower. Kirstie gives me quite the look when Adam lets him in. She’s seen him before, but I don’t think she realized that he looks just as attractive in person.

He gives me a small smile and wave when he steps in. It makes my heart flutter, thinking of where those hands were not even 24 hours ago.

I wave back while Adam welcomes him to come further inside. Kirstie runs up and hugs him, squeezing him tighter than he’s comfortable with because he gives me a silly look. Lindsey and I stay back until he comes over to us, then he coaxes her into giving him a hug. She stands and wraps her arms around him.

He rubs my shoulder as he stands next to me. I look up at him and smile.

“Need any help?” Scott asks Adam, referring to dinner.

“Oh, no, no, but thanks.”

“Just sit and relax,” Kirst pipes in, “We know you worked all day.”

Scott starts to sit down, but she stops him. “Actually, let’s all just move to the living room so we can be comfy.”

So we do, and Kirst and I make sure that the conversation flows for Scott’s sake. We really don’t want him to feel out of place. Plus, I really want him to like her.

Adam joins us while he’s waiting for dinner to finish heating up, and Scott politely congratulates both of them on Eliana, so we spend a while talking about that and how they’re preparing for the new baby. Scott shares stories of when he first met Lindsey, and she gets super embarrassed which is cute. He brags about never having to go through the baby stage, but genuinely says that he wishes he had some tips for them.

It’s a sweet conversation, and we continue it even as Adam leaves to finish up dinner. He calls that it’s ready, so we wrap it up and head to the dining room. Scott and I sit next to each other on one side, and Lindsey sits at the head of the table, sensing that the couples will be sitting together. Kirstie sits across from me, holding her hand on her belly as she does so. Adam brings everything to the table and joins us, then offers Scott the serving utensil to get everything started.

I’m not really focused on the food. Sure, it smells good and everything, but I have Scott sitting right next to me, and he’s here because he wants to meet my friends, and I need everything to go perfectly. Scott makes some small talk with Lindsey about her friend’s house, interrupting himself to compliment Adam on the food. They talk about the recipe for a moment before returning to Lindsey, but I can tell she doesn’t like the attention much, especially in front of people she barely knows, so I redirect the conversation.

“So, I told you two how Scott and I met, but tell me the love story of Kirstin and Adam.” I say Kirstin and Adam like they would in a dreamy fairytale movie.

Adam chuckles. “Okay, well, it’s nothing spectacular, b--”

An ice cold glare from Kirstie cuts him off, then he continues, “I mean, it was the most spectacular moment of my life because I met Kirstie, but how we met is…” he looks to Kirstie. “...Still extremely…”

“Still extremely cute,” she finishes for him.

Scott and I are laughing at their exchange, and we laugh even more as she proceeds to tell us the clumsy and adorable story of how they met. Basically, Adam was a little intoxicated, and by a little I mean a lot, and Kirstie just happened to be walking by when he stumbled into her, knocking her down onto the sidewalk. Being as straightforward as Kirstie is, she told him off, but also because he seemed like he could be a half-decent person when sober and she self-admittedly was a little lonely, she handed him her number and told him he better call with an apology the next day. She even wrote on the card: “My name is Kirstie. You owe me an apology.” with her number underneath. And as they say, the rest is history.

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