Chapter 17 ~ Meeting the parents

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Today was the day that I'm finally going to meet Zack's parents well dad. Zack told me that his dad had a job near us and was going to visit the boys, Zack thought this would be the best time to introduce me to his dad. He also told me that Zack never introduced anyone to his parents so this was a big deal.

I was kinda nervous to meet his dad. I mean I've never had a boyfriend let alone met someone's parents. This was a huge deal for the both of us. Cody, Zack, and I all waited in the lobby for their dad.

"You nervous?" I ask Zack who was anxiously awaiting the arrival of his father. He turned to me and gave me a worried smile.

"Me? No. Why would I your the best girlfriend ever." He said trying his hardest to not sound as nervous as he actually was. I kissed his cheek to try and settle some of his nerves and it really worked.

Then all of the sudden we heard the voice that made Zack and Cody turn their heads and run up to the man. "Hey guys!"

"DAD!!" Both if the twins exclaimed as they ran up to the man. Once they separated from each other Zack slowly joined me into the group.

"Sorry I'm a little bit late, but my cab driver, she was hot." Their dad says which caused me to quitely laugh to myself.

"Nice.Did you get the digits?" Zack asked as his dad showed him a white piece of paper.

"Cha." Their dad said in a super dude accent.

"Like father like son." I mumbled. Then their dad caught glimpse of me and smirked.

"Boys would you like to introduce me to your friend here." He said wiggling his eyebrows at Zack.

"Dad this is my... GIRLFRIEND." Well I guess it's official now I was his girlfriend no going back now.

"Hi I'm Mara." I said shaking his hand with a big smile on my face.

"Kurt Martin." He said excepting my handshake. "Wow Zack has never actually introduced anyone to me before in this way. So you must be special." He says as he winks at Zack.

"So I've been told." I said. I was trying to be myself but at the same time not because obviously myself is not meeting parents good enough.

"Are you nervous." Kurt says as he looks and my SUPER NERVOUS face.

"Literally shitting my pants."

Oh shit I didn't just say that. Oh god that's so weird

Then Kurt did the unexpected and he laughed. "Your funny." Then he turned to Zack. "I like her."

What a relief. You know I thought I would fit right into this family. "Me too." Zack smiles at me and throws an arm around me.

"ready for a crazy guys' weekend? Nothing but late nights, piles of junk food and hanging out by the pool without your-" Kurt started but lost our attention when Carrie walked into the lobby.

"Mom!" The boys exclaimed with crystal clear fake smiles.

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