Chapter 24- The new Paul Blart

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"Oh god already know this is gonna end badly." I said to Zack as a big crowd rallied around us. Zack just set off a smoke bomb that smelled absolutely disgusting even worse than how his room used to smell before I helped.

"Trust me Tiny we'll be fine." He whispered in my ear which once again was sexy as hell.

"Who is responsible for this?" Mr.Moseby asked to the big crowd. All the kids quickly disbursed leaving just Zack and I to blame. "How did I know it was you two." He said very sternly.

"Mr.Moseby leave Mara out of this it was just me." Zack said stepping forward. 

"Zack." I mumbled. He turned around to look me in the eyes.

"Come with us Zack." Ms.Tutwiler said as she and and Mr. Moseby dragged Zack into a class to discuss his punishment.


I was waiting for Zack right out of the class that they dragged him into. I was pacing back and forth full of anxiety.

How long is he gonna be in detention for? What if that's not the only punishment they give him? What if he gets kicked off the boat?

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How long is he gonna be in detention for? What if that's not the only punishment they give him? What if he gets kicked off the boat?

Where just a few of the thoughts that ran through my head during the time.

Suddenly all three of them walk out. Their faces are kinda hard to read. "Well what's his punishment." I asked.

"We are going to give him a position of authority." Ms.Tutwiler said. I stood their shocked at their decision.

"Well that's just plain stupid." I said face palming myself. Mr. Moseby pointed at me and nodded his head.

"We are going to make Zack the hall monitor." She said very proud of her choice.

"Oh that's a great idea. Yeah, and while we're at it, let's just sink the friggen ship now." I scoffed and threw my hands in the air.

"It is a well-known fact that then when rebellious teenagers are put in a position of authority, it often turns them into model citizens!" She stated. I rolled my eyes and let out a small laugh knowing this plan won't work.

"It's also a known fact that Zack is a prankster so when he is put in a position of power among others he's most likely to prank or go over board." I explained.

"Well we'll have to see about that." She smiled very enthusiastic about this. I flashed her a fake smile and walked away.

 I flashed her a fake smile and walked away

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