Chapter 49: Date? Dance? Disco?

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"Hey dudes and dudettes." Ms. Tutweiller said in a weird voice obviously trying to sound cool. 

"The fuck did you just call us." London said sounding totally clueless as per usual. I let out a small laugh looking a Ms. Tutweiller's shocked and frustrated face.

"Well London," She snaps. "I'm just preparing for our dance coming up. I've decided the theme for this year. Drum roll please." She announces as we bang on our desks.

"The theme will be" She pauses for what she likes to call "effect". "The 80's" She shouts.

I immediately jump up with joy and yell "HELL YEAH!" causing everyone's head to turn to me. "Sorry I just really like the 80's." I apologize as I quietly sit in my seat.

"Yeah Mara made me watch almost every 80's teenage rom-com that was ever made with her." Zack explains. Ms.Tutweiller perks up with an idea. 

"Well then Mara you can help with the decorations." She said. Now usually I would turn her idea to participate in any kinda of school function but I'm actually really excited for this certain dance.

"Yeah sure." Once those two words slipped from my lips the whole class gasped and turned my way. 

Zack instantly rushed out of the seat next to me to feel my forehead. "Are you feeling okay Tiny? You never sign up to do these things." He asks very concerned.

"Babe I'm fine." I say as I shake his hand off my forehead. "I'm just really excited." 

"Well that's the spirit Mara." Ms. Tutweiller says with a hopeful voice. "Oh and one last thing class. You all have to dress up like you're from the 80's." She claps. 

This is gonna be so much fun.


"Hey Cody since you're not going to the dance this weekend, I'm gonna need you to write up my history paper." Zack explains very rudely might I add, which earned him a slap on the shoulder by yours truly.

"Hey, what makes you think I'm not going to the dance?" Cody asks trying to sound believable. 

"Well you can't exactly show up solo after your breakup. That's just pathetic." Zack says. I can't believe this boy.

"Zack!" I snap. "Cody, if you want to go to the dance solo you can and you can always hangout with us." I offer to the nicer twin boy.

"Thank you Mara. At least I have one person on my side." Cody says glaring at his brother. 

"But I just wanna let you know that, Bailey did tell me she was gonna go with a date. So we should find you a lucky lady." I explain trying not to sound too harsh.

"That's gonna be hard. There's not a bunch of ladies knocking down your door to go on a date with you." Zack says earning yet another glare but coming from me this time. He quickly knows that from that look he needs to shut the hell up.

"Okay I know I'm a little out of the dating practice but once the girls know I'm available they'll come running." Cody said hopefully yet uncertain.

"Well I believe in you Cods." I flash him a soft smile. 

"Well Unlike you brother I have a smokin date." Zack announces knowing he's referring to me but I'm gonna mess with him. Make him work for it ladies.

"And who might that me?" I ask leaning on the juice bar counter. He looks at me with a confused face that quickly turns into a smirk.

"Well she's beautiful and smart. She has a great sense of humor-" Zack was quickly interrupted by Cody making barfing noises. 

"Gross, I'm out of here." He says quickly evacuating at juice bar.

"Suit yourself. Now where were we."


"-is often used as a remedy for diarrhea." Bailey says to the guy she is currently on a date with. The date doesn't last long because he gets up and escapes from Bailey's diarrhea conversation.

After Bailey and I's fight the other day we sat down and had a conversation. It was filled with apologizes and tears but we both realized that at the end of the day we needed each other.

"Well one down." I say as I pop myself into the seat across from the defeated girl. "I'm sorry about that. I guess the boy didn't wanna talk about diarrhea." we both share a small laugh.

"Yeah well that was date number 2. And I'm still out of luck." She said as she put her head in her hands. 

"Hey it's okay because there's like 500 other boys on this ship and I bet one of them would love to talk diarrhea with you." I smile trying to lighten her up.

"Well I don't want the 500 boys I want one, and that one boy currently hates me." She explains talking about the specific twin.

"I know it's hard Bail but we gotta keep trying and show him that you're better off without him." I say as I grab her hand. 

"Shit, I gotta run and help Ms.Tutweiller set up the dance. but I love you and keep trying" I rush off ready to set up some streamers.


"Thank you Ms.Tutweiller for letting me help set the dance." I thank the lady who is currently putting on her leg warmers.

I finish putting up the disco ball and look around at my hard work that just so happen to take a hour.

"ahhh I haven't felt this nostalgic since the actual 80's." She thinks back. "You did a spot on job Mara. It looks great." she compliments.

"Well thank you. I'm gonna go get dressed." I say as I dash to my bedroom to get ready for this rockin' night.

Little did I know Mr.Moseby wanted to share the room for his medieval party or whatever. So we have to share the space. 


It was now time for the dance and we were all dressed and ready to party. Zack and I decided to go as John and Claire from the Breakfast club. Might I say we looked fucking amazing.

"Nice costume Cods, you look great." I compliment his knight outfit.

He bows his head and in his best British accent he responds with. "And to you too as well. Mara you look absolutely stunning."

"Easy there knight in shinning undies, she's my date." Zack says wrapping his arm around my waist. "Anyways where is your date? Is she a no show?" He asks.

"No speaking of my date here she is now. So if you two will excuse me, I have a lady to escort." He over exaggeratedly says as he walks away. 

"Well Ms. Tiny, can I have this dance?" Zack asks as he places his hand out. 

"Yes you may, my love." I smile grabbing his hand as we slowly sway to the soft music. 

"You know Cody was right, you look very beautiful 'on this lovely night'." He said imitating Cody's accent from earlier.

I laugh and press my pink lip gloss covered lips on his. "I love you. Please don't go breakin' my heart."

"I wouldn't even think about it"


Just straight vibing 

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