Chapter 34: The Martin family history

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"Look at all this white stuff!"

"That's what she said!" I screamed to London as she observes the snow the had fallen over the boat. 

"Mara it's too early for sexual jokes." Bailey said throwing a snowball at me. I quickly picked one up a snowball myself and threw it right back at her. We all ended up throwing snowballs at each other until we called a truce and started walking onto the sky deck.

"I'm just saying you look like a traffic cone in a war zone." London said pointing to Bailey's bright orange camo jacket. London and I burst out laughing as Bailey gave us death glares.

"Make fun, but this keeps me warm and toasty during hunting season." She said flipping up the hood of her jacket and tightened the strings, leaving a small gap where her face poked out.

"You literally never seemed more like a red neck than you do right now." I told her making her rolled her eyes and playfully shove my arm.

Bailey reacher hands in her pockets and pulled out a little wood whistle. "Look, I must have left my elk call in here." 

"Omg, this keeps getting better." I mumbled. Bailey blew into the tiny horn making this terrible and annoying noise.

"Oh, we must be docked close to the forest. I can hear the mating call of the elk." We heard Cody say as him and Zack join us on the sky deck.

"Actually, that was me." Bailey said showing Cody the whistle. 

"Oh, well then." Cody had this huge smirk on his face. As he put hands on his head like a moose and started to walk over to us. Zack and I pretended to be hunters and shoot them with our fingers.

 Zack and I pretended to be hunters and shoot them with our fingers

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I walked over to Zack and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "And you say we are gross." Cody laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Zack.

"You look really hot in a beanie." I whispered in his ear. I could basically feel the smirk on his face. I kissed just under his ear to really tease him.

I turned back to the group that was talking amongst themselves. "Let's go see Sweden!" I announced.


"I can't believe you guys are related to Knut and Olaf Martins." Bailey said pointing to the statue of the old dudes.

"Our ancestors founded Martins Grav." Cody informed us.

"And having eaten their food, now I know why they left. All I wanted was some chicken nuggets and fries. THAT'S ALL!" I exclaimed.

Zack slung his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "It's ok Swede thing." He joked which made me playfully slap his chest. "We'll find your food that edible, I swear on my name Zack Martin from the Martin family!" He announced.

Then this old dude came over to us with a confused look. "Wait you are Martins?" He asked.

"Yeah, can't you tell from my chiseled Viking features?" Cody asked the man as he turned his head showing the old man his jaw.

"Chiseled more like acne filled." I spoke making Cody send a death glare straight at me.

" I'm Ragnar, the mayor of Martins Grav." He shook all of our hands."Since you're martens, we would be honored if you two would participate in the annual Fishenflagen." He told us as he clapped in excitement.

"what the hell is a Fishenflagen."


" People of Martins Grav, as you know, we normally conduct the Fishenflagen with the statues, but today we are honored to have actual Martins." Ragnar announced to the crowd of people including me.

"Thank you, all. It is an honor to be here representing our family and thank you for including us in your festival." Cody said like it was some big honor.

"Let the Fishenflagen begin!" Ragnar announced. All the people started throwing fish at the two confused and helpless boys. At first, I was confused also but then I became very giggly and so I took out my phone and started to film this trainwreck.

 At first, I was confused also but then I became very giggly and so I took out my phone and started to film this trainwreck

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(This all I found that is sorta related)

"Are you seriously filming us getting thrown fish at?" Zack asked with annoyance in his voice.

"No baby, I'm helping. Ya'know in years from now we are all going to laugh at this so might as well film it." I told them. Under all the fish I could see Zack crack a small smile from me calling him baby.

Once the Fishenflagen was over everyone just dipped from the main area, probably from the smell of the dead fish. We spotted Bailey and London and they came over to us.

"You threw fish at us?!" Cody said looking at Bailey with a hurt expression on his face.

"Well, you aren't any better than this one." Zack said pointing to me. "She filmed the whole thing." I giggled as he exposed me.

"Sorry, guys. It was crowded. We wouldn't have thrown them if we'd known it was you." Bailey apologized as she rubbed Cody's arm.

They all looked in my direction to see if I was going to apologize. "Oh, I'm not sorry. I'm gonna play this at your wedding." I said pointing to Cody and Bailey causing them both to blush at the idea of them getting married.

Then Ragnar came up to us with a big goofy smile on his face. "Boys, that was just wonderful?" He smiled and clapped his hands.

"Wonderful probably isn't the word I would use." I mumbled.

"It's much more fun having real Martins here. When you throw herring at the statues, they don't shriek like little girls." He laughed."Look, you have no right to treat us like this. This town is named after our ancestors." Zack said with a lot of anger and hostility. I noticed that right away and grabbed his arm to pull him away from the group.

"Hey, baby..." I used his favorite couple nickname which made him calm down. "It's ok. There is no need to go off a Ragnarok over there." I heard him laugh at the Thor reference.

"How about we leave this godforsaken town and head back to the boat, take a hot shower..." I whispered the last part. "Maybe cuddle, and...kiss" I suggested. He nodded his head so many times I thought he was going to get whiplash.

I bit my lip and grabbed his hand and started running back to the boat. "I hope someday you become a Martin too." He said in a soft tone.

"So I could get fish thrown at me too?" I asked as I giggled and smiled.

"So I can use you as a human shield next time." He explained.

"Omg, you're ridiculous." I rolled my eyes.


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