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I lost count of how many days I've been in this place, it's really terrifying cause i would continuously hear screaming and crying right next to me. But whenever i reach out to the person, no ones there. And i'm pretty sure i'm already turning blind because i haven't seen light since i last saw Minhyun. I became really weak, i don't think i'll be able to run out of this place, i haven't been eating any of the food they got me at first. I mean based on some dramas or even moves, food could be worse than your enemy. It could be poisoned and no matter how much you love and appreciate it for keeping you alive it could still kill you. I actually did the same to water, but then i couldn't handle it, so i would just drink water. 

What's even more terrifying is that i keep on having nightmares everytime i fall asleep. And i try to stay awake as much as i can. It really made me miss Taehyungs loudness and growls in the morning. Just thinking of him makes me sad. I really miss him, i want to sleep next to him and rest my head on his shoulders just like we did when we were young. Memories of us together would come rushing in my head that i start shouting and crying loudly, begging my own self to stop hurting myself with memories that are supposed to be pleasant and make you feel at ease and happy are now bringing me pain. I really want to get out of this misery. what did i do to deserve this? is it because i'm always arguing with Taehyung or is it because i never listen to Jin? I really don't know anymore. 

I would pray to god every single day ever since i got locked up in here, in a place where i don't even know in which area it is. I don't even know anyone, i don't have anyone that would answer all the questions i have buried in my mind and heart. I would pray to get out of this place safely, untouched, and forget everything i went through until now. This is such a horrible experience, and i'm pretty sure girls just like me are being tortured. Whatever i heard ever since i came here gets more scary and terrifying each day. It's like i might be the one after the girl that was a few seconds ago willing to give them her body, and all she asked for was to not feel pain. If i'm already suffering i don't know what these girls go through. 

I might be tired of this darkness, but isn't it for the best? I would probably not be able to handle watching whatever is going in front of me. 

I folded my legs and held them close to my chest as I rested my head on my knees, the handcuff that has been replaced by a roop or other handcuffs, that even my wrists do not feel any pain anymore. If Taehyung saw me like that he would go crazy, his face keeps on appearing in my mind, it makes me tear up. I hold myself as close as i can, trying to imagine myself cuddled up in my brother's chest warmly. I started sobbing quietly, but in a few seconds, i got interrupted. Someone suddenly pulled my hair roughly, a broken sob and a muffled whine came out of my trembling lips. "Stay still, or we'll both get hurt. Pretty girl." A women's voice whispers right next to my ear, giving me goosebumps. I nodded quickly, pressing my lips together tightly, making it hard for me to breath since my nose is blocked because of all the crying i did today. But how can a woman be this rough? Like woman, you should understand how painful that was since you're just like me unless you're a tough one which seems like it. 

I was suddenly held by two people, making me walk through what seemed like two walls that were unbelievably close. I wouldn't fit through it if i was having all the food i was given. I would stumble since i can't see anything, but someone would help me walk properly. I was kind of thankful, they weren't as harsh as that women. I'm really going to pay her back if i get out of this place alive. I hold grudges over the smallest things. 

They made me stop after a few minutes, and i heard a door lock click. Cold wind slapped my exposed legs and arms, making me shiver. I was then pushed out, walking a few steps i was stopped again. "Lower your head, pretty." The women said. Why is she calling me pretty? It's so uncomfortable. I stood there as thoughts of what she could do to me flushed in my mind. "I said to lower your head and get in, unless you want me to do that for you." She warned me this time, as she shoved me, my forehead making contact with a cold surface. I winced at the pain spreading in my head. Entering the car, i was forced to sit between two people. I sighed and i heard a chuckle. 

The car started moving, it was a long car ride besides that no one was talking. I wouldv'e thought i was alone in the car, if it wasn't for the thighs that were touching mine from both sides, and the soft snores that came from my left side. I sighed for the fifth time already. I don't know why i'm feeling at ease right now, but they say it's always quiet before the real shit happens. So this feeling is just wrong. 

I soon fell asleep as i wondered when i'll be able to get this piece of darkness away from my eyes, and see the beautiful face of my dear brother. 



This ff already reached 800+ reads. Thanks sooooooo much for the support. i hope you enjoy this chapter, it was quiet sad right? anyways its already midnight. i'll go sleep. goodnight xoxo.    

not revised. sorry for any grammar mistakes.

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