I Don't Like Her

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A few hours had passed and Frankie still hadn't shown up.

"Dude, where the hell is your friend?" Max asked, looking over at Craig.

"She doesn't get off work until 5, will you chill? She'll be here. She's not one for ditching or standing people up." Craig said.

"Is she cute?" Robert asked, a mouthful of food.

"Sure. I don't look at her like that though, she's more like a sister to me." Craig said, concentrating on the game of Halo he was playing.

"She better be." Max mumbled.

About an hour and a half later there was a knock at the front door. Robert, Max, and Monte looked up as Craig paused his game and jumped up, running to the door.

He threw it open and squealed. "Sis!" he said, opening his arms and basically, dragging/pulling a girl into the house, closing the door behind him.

The other three guys just watched, trying to catch a glimpse of this girl but she was buried in Craig's chest.

Robert cleared his throat and Craig finally let go of her, turning her towards the guys.

"Guys, this is my best friend, Frankie. Frankie these are my bandmates and brothers." Craig said.

She was cute, that was for sure.

Monte got up, walking over to her and stuck his hand out. "I'm Bryan, call me Monte though." he said.

Frankie smiled and shook his hand. "I know." she said.

"Oh?" Robert asked, smirking.

"Yeah, Robert. I've been a fan of you guys since 2006." Frankie said.

"Oh, then we don't have to introduce ourselves?" Monte asked.

"Well, no, I already know your guys' names, but I guess it's the thought that counts." Frankie said.

Monte flashed her a smile and she returned it.

Max just rolled his eyes, getting up. "How tall are you?" he asked.

"Um..5 feet..why?" Frankie asked.

"No reason." Max said.

Frankie just looked at Craig. "Max, be nice." he said.

He turned to Frankie. "Did you talk to your boss?" he asked.

"Yeah, she said that I should go on tour with you guys and just quit Hot Topic because touring with one of the best bands in the world is probably a lot more fun then working in a store." Frankie said, laughing.

"I agree." Robert said, laughing.

"So, you'll do it?" Craig askd.

Frankie nodded.

"Good, go home and pack, you're staying the night tonight and tomorrow because we have to be on the road at 6 Saturday." Craig said.

"Are you sure that's okay?" Frankie asked, looking at Craig then the others.

"No." Max said, he didn't like this girl.

"It's fine. Shut up, Max." Craig said.

Frankie nodded. "I'll be back in an hour then." she said and gave Craig a hug and then left.

Once she was gone, Max looked at him. "Why?! Why did you invite her to stay with us? She's perfectly fine staying at home, we could've picked her up." he said.

"Because..just hush, okay. Don't be an ass to her." Craig said.

"I don't like her." Max said.

"I do." Monte said, Robert nodded in agreement.

"You don't have to like her but you're not going to be an ass to her and oh, this goes for all three of you, don't even think about sleeping with her." Craig said.

Robert frowned and sat back down.

"Damn." Monte said, smirking.

"I wasn't going to anyways. She's probably got STDs and shit." Max said.

Craig glared. "Max. Stop." he said.


Two days later.

"Let's go Max!" Robert called from downstairs.

They were all ready and were waiting on Max. Craig and Monte had gotten all the bags in the bus and were now waiting on Max's.

"I can't find my zebra skinny jeans!" Max called down.

"You probably packed them! Just put some damn pants on and let's go!" Craig called.

Max mumbled but came down a few minutes later in a pair of tight black skinny jeans with a hole in the left knee and none in the right.

"Where's your friend?" he asked.

"She's already on the bus with Monte." Craig said, pushing Max out the door.

He and Robert walked out, closing and locking the door behind him, they'd be gone for six months.

Max got on the bus and took his stuff to the back where the bunks were.

"Oh, hell no. Craig! Craig!" Max called.

"What?" Craig asked, as the bus started moving.

"Why is she sleeping above me?" Max asked, not caring if Frankie could hear him.

Craig sighed in frustration. "She wanted that bunk, Max." he said.

"Well I don't want to sleep under her!" Max said, yelling now.

Craig covered his mouth. "Max, shut the fuck up. You're being ridiculous. Now, you and Frankie are going to get along, whether you like it or not."

Max licked Craig's hand and he pulled it back, wiping it on him. "Fine, but if she touches my stuff, or starts saying I can't have any girls in my bed or some bullshit, I'm going to explode." he said, turning and going back to his bunk.

Frankie was sitting up in her bunk, she had iPod on but could still hear Max. She heard every word he had said and she had to control herself as to not cry.

She didn't understand why he didn't like her. She just knew that they weren't going to get along. And to believe, she had been in love with this man since she first heard of his band.

People are definitely different in person then they are on television, that was the lesson she learned.

This was going to be one hell of a tour.

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