New Friends

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Later that afternoon, the bus stopped in San Diego, the first stop on their tour.

"Alright guys, you can go roam around and do whatever but make sure you're back here around five so you can have sound check and start setting the merch up." the bus driver, Allen told them.

Craig finished the game of Halo he was playing and turned the system off. "Anyone else hungry?" he asked.

"I am. I'm always hungry." Robert said, finishing off the yogurt he was eating.

"Let's go find some food." Monte said.

Craig got up and walked to the middle of the bus where the bunks were. "You guys wanna go get something to eat?" he asked.

"Hell yeah, I'm starving." Max said.

"Sure." Frankie said, turning her iPod off.

Max rolled his eyes and got out of his bunk and walked out to where Robert and Monte were waiting.

Frankie got down and looked at Craig. "Max doesn't like me." she said.

"He does. Just give him some time. He was the same way with our last merch girl." Craig said. "Come on, let's go stuff our faces." he said, trying to make her smile.


"So, like I was saying, this girl was all over me, right? And her boyfriend saw us and tried to pick a fight with me." Max was telling Monte and Robert.

"And then I had to jump in." Craig said.

"Yeah, Craig jumps in and the dude ends up walking away because Craig threatened him and shit." Max said.

"Sounds like a pussy." Robert said, Monte nodded in agreement.

They were sitting at sitting at a sushi bar, waiting for their sushi and Max was telling Robert and Monte about some guy that tried to pick a fight with him.

"Seems like Craig always has to save your ass, man." Robert said.

"Only because he gets so wasted." Craig said.

"I wasn't even wasted that night..I mean..I was getting there but I wasn't there yet." Max said.

"He was gone." Craig said.

"I believe Craig over you dude." Monte said.

Max shook his head. Frankie hadn't said much, which he liked. As long as she was being quiet and not running her mouth, they'd be fine. Then Robert had to give her a reason to talk.

"So, Frankie, how long have you and Craig been friends?" he asked.

"We grew up together. His mom and my mom were best friends in high school and he actually knew my older brother before and my brother were like the neighborhood bullies.."

"We were not!" Craig said.

Frankie smirked. Max just watched her. She has a beautiful smile...wait...what? What the fuck..did I just say...ugh..stop looking at her like that hate her, remember?

"So anyways..I would hang out with Craig and my brother growing up and then when he got in high school, he started getting into bands and I hardly ever saw him, especially after he joined blessthefall.." Frankie said.

Max had tuned her out now. Finally, their food came.

"Let's dig in!" Robert said and they began eating.


"We have..two hours before we have to go to sound check and everything. Do you guys just wanna head back to the bus or go do something else?" Craig asked.

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