I Cut To Ease The Pain

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Frankie sighed and went back into the room. She needed to tell Max what caused all of her cutting, he had already found the scars, so better late then never.

Max was sitting on the bed, his laptop in his lap, his hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he had his glasses on. He looked so cute, Frankie had seen many pictures of him like this on the internet.

Max looked up. "Ready to tell me?" he asked.

From the reflection of his glasses, she could see that he was on Myspace.

"Sure." Frankie said.

Max shut his laptop off and sat it on the desk next to the bed and then patted the spot next to him, indicating that she should sit.

Frankie sat down and looked at Max. "You sure you wanna know?"

"Positive. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

Frankie sighed. She looked down at her arm, touching the lightly faded scars on her wrist, the ones closest to her veins. Some were right on the vein, some to the side, some looked deep where they had to be stitched up and if they weren't, they sure did give the impression that they were.

"It started in nineth grade. I was fourteen at the time." she said, touching the lighter ones.

Max just sat back, listening.

"I wanted to be popular so bad..you know..cause I've always been an outcast..always got picked on..Craig was my only friend, but then he moved..so after he moved, I was alone." she said, not looking up.

She was silent for a moment.

"What happened then?" Max asked quietly.

"I really liked this boy..he was a senior and a football player..quarterback, I think." she said.

Her hand moved away from her scarred wrist.

She looked at Max, like she was about to cry. Max wanted to hear the rest of her story, but he didn't want to pressure her or anything.

"If you don't want to tell me the rest, it's okay." he said.

"No, I need too..you already found the damage." Frankie said.

She sighed again, touching the scars once more.

"I thought he really liked me..because..he was always nice to me...always buying me gifts and telling me I was beautiful..I mean..I had never been called that before...no one ever said they loved me except Craig..my parents hated me."

She touched some more scars when she got to the part about her parents.

Max started getting a sickening feeling in his stomach.

Please God...please don't let her say she was raped or beaten or abused or any horrible thing like that..please.

He looked at her as she tried to recollect her thoughts.

"My dad was an alcoholic..my mom..I don't know..she used to do drugs..then she stopped..then she'd do them again...she left my dad...it really upset him..and seeing as I was an only child..I guess I was his only source of pleasure." she said.

Max's fists clenched. "Did he...rape you?"

"Rape, abuse...everything like that." Frankie said, wiping her face.

Max reached over and tucked a piece of blonde and pink hair behind Frankie's ear.

"That's where these came from..he said I was a worthless daughter and an accident..I wasn't meant to be alive. My mom was going to have an abortion but she changed her mind..I wish she had.."

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