You're Too Young To Be This Broken

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"I love you." Max said as he wrapped his arms around Frankie and kissed the top of her head. Frankie smiled up at him, leaning up to kiss his jaw line. "I love you too." she said, touching his face. He smiled, that beautiful white smile that could light up a room.

"I have something for you." Max said as he got up and walked over to his jacket and pulled out a box. Frankie edged closer, looking at it. "What is it?" she asked.

Max got down on one knee and opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" he asked her. Frankie gasped. "Yes!" she said, throwing her arms around Max's neck, kissing him.

"Frankie, wake up." Max said, shaking her.

Frankie rolled over and looked around. "What?" she asked.

"You're hogging the bed. Scoot the fuck over." Max said, pushing her gently with his foot.

Frankie pushed herself up and scooted over, actually she just got out of bed.

So it was just a dream. she thought to herself, sighing.

Max flopped down on the bed. "Oh, I brought you some food. I didn't know what you liked..cause I tried calling you and shit but you didn't I just got you what Craig and I usually get."

Frankie looked over at the bag on the dresser and walked over, opening it.

"Pei Wei?" she asked.

"Yeah." Max said, pulling his phone out.

"Thanks." she said, sitting down on the chair.

Max looked at her. "You can sit by me..I won't bite."

"Yes you will." Frankie said.

"Only during sex, babe." he said, winking at her.

Frankie glared but got up anyways and sat down on the bed, her back towards the door and her front facing Max.

"Were you gone all day?" she asked as she began eating.

"Most of it." Max said.

Frankie stared at him. "Most?"

"Like..I came in here earlier and you were sleeping. I didn't want to wake you up though so I just left you alone."

"How caring." Frankie said, sarcastically.

Max frowned. "Why is it everytime I try to be nice to you, you shoot me down?"

"Why is it everytime I try to stay away from you and not have feelings for you, you go and fuck me and make my feelings grow bigger?"

Max cocked his head to the side, looking at her. "You shouldn't have feelings for me."

"Well, I can't help who I fall for." Frankie said, getting up and throwing her food away. She wasn't hungry anymore.

Max got up and walked over, Frankie turned around and smacked into him.

"Why?" Max asked.

"Why what?"

"Why do you like me? I'm nothing but a complete asshole to you." Max said.

Frankie shrugged. "I guess I'm attracted to assholes."

Max looked at her, searching her eyes for any trace of lies. He couldn't find any.

"You need to stop." Max said, touching her hand.

"Stop what?" Frankie asked, pulling her hand away.

"Stop these so called feelings you're having for me. I'm not the type of boy you want to start a relationshup with." Max said, walking into the bathroom.

Frankie followed. "Why the fuck not?" she asked.

How fucking dare he tell her to stop having feelings for him. That's not how love works. You don't control who you fall for, Max should know that, considering the type of girls he's dated before.

"Because! I'm just...I'm not the type to fall for." Max said.

"That makes no sense." Frankie said.

Max looked at her. "Just..don't..okay?"

"Max." Frankie said, touching his cheek.

Max looked at her with that sad expression again. The one that read: Kiss me. Just kiss me and let me take your heart. That's what she saw when she looked at him.

Max leaned into her touch, his hand coming up, his fingers grazing her arm which gave her goosebumps.

He used his other hand to pull her towards him and this time, she made the first move and kissed him.

Max kissed her back, it was sweet and loving. Not eager and lustful and in need of sex.

That was the difference between Frankie and Max. She wanted someone to love, someone to be with.

While Max, Max just wanted someone to fuck. Someone he could go to when he needed a good time.

"I'm sorry." he said, pulling back from the kiss.

"For?" Frankie asked.

"Being an asshole. I don't know what's wrong with me." Max said.

Frankie looked at him. "I don't know either."

Max sighed. "We..I.."

He was stuttering.

"We what?" Frankie asked.

Max shook his head. "Nothing..I just can't get over how beautiful you are."

Frankie blushed.

His hand touched her face and then he looked down, something on her arm caught his attention.

He took her arm, lifting it up and looking at the scars on her arm, some new, some faded and old. He touched them and the same sad expression played on his face.

Except this one read: Why do you do this to yourself? What's so bad about your life that's broken you down and made you want to harm yourself? Please tell me.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why not?" she retorted,

Max looked at her. "You're stupid, you know that."

He leaned down and kissed one of her scars. Frankie watched him.

"I could tell you why but you'd hate me forever. Even Craig doesn't know." she said.

Max looked up at her. "I could never hate you."

With that, he walked back to the bed and left Frankie there, wondering if she should tell him the reasons or not.

You're Stuck In Here With Me *Max Green Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now