I Love You But You Love Your Drugs More

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The next day, Max was in a drug induced stupor all day. Apparently, he woke up in the middle of the night and did three lines of coke, and some heroine.

How did Frankie know? Well, the fact that Max isn't the best when it comes to hiding evidence and just left it on the bathroom floor.

Oh, that and she found him passed out on the floor with the needle by his side.

"Max..get up." Frankie said.

"I'm up." Max said, not moving from his spot on the floor.

"No, you're not." Frankie said, getting out of bed.

Today was their last day in the hotel and they had to leave to go back to the bus in an hour and the place was still a mess.

"Yes I am." Max said.

"I'm not playing Max. Get the fuck up." Frankie said.

Max raised his head and looked at her. "Someone's cranky."

"You're high. Now get up and go shower. We have to go back to the bus in an hour." Frankie said.

Max sat up and stretched. "How did I end up on the floor?"

"You got up to do drugs and passed out on the floor, now, shower, go."

Max rolled his eyes. "You better slow your attitude that you have with me."

"Or what?" Frankie said, looking at him.

"Or else I'll do something I regret." Max said, trying to scare her.

"Yeah, like you haven't done enough of that already." she said.

Max wasn't going to argue with her. He shook his head and went into the bathroom, closing the door, well, more like slamming it.

Frankie sighed and began picking up his mess as Max took his shower.

"Frankie?" Max asked.

She didn't hear him come out of the bathroom, she was too busy stealing the rest of Max's coke.

"What?" she asked.

"I love you." Max said, pulling his boxers on.

Frankie looked at him. "No you don't. You're high."

"You're high." Max said.

That she was.

"Give me your needles." Frankie said.

"You can't flush needles down the toilet." Max said, but gave them to her anyways.

"I wasn't going to flush them." she said and put them back in their case.

He watched her. "Did you use the rest of my coke?"

"Possibly." she said.

Max whined. "But that was my last ounce." he said.

"Buy more?" Frankie suggested.

"Oh, yeah, cause that's easy to do. We're in Seattle not fucking Vegas." Max said, obviously mad.

Frankie shrugged.

"How about you keep your hands off MY stuff. If you want drugs, go see Ben, I'm sure he'll supply you with some if you fuck him again." Max spat at her.

So, now he was going to go back to being a nasty little shit to her? Great.

Frankie glared. "Fuck you."

"You already did. More then once." Max said.

"Why are you being nasty to me again?" Frankie asked.

"Why'd you steal my shit, again?" Max asked.

"Maybe you shouldn't leave it out in the open." Frankie said, walking past him.

Now, what Max was about to do, he'd later regret but right now, he was too high and too pissed off to give a shit about Frankie or her feelings.

Max turned and grabbed Frankie's arm, throwing her back against the wall.

"Ow! Max! That hurt!" Frankie yelled.

"I don't care. You're pissing me off. Touch my shit again and I swear to God I'll make your life a living hell and you'll wish your mom had gotten that abortion." Max said.

Frankie looked at him. "I hate you!" she yelled at him.

"Nah, you don't." Max said, smirking.

Frankie pushed him away from her and went into the bathroom, slamming the door and kicking it.

"Yeah, throw a fit, tear shit up and we'll have to pay for it. You're so smart." Max called to her.

"Fuck you!" Frankie yelled.

"You already did." Max said.

And with that, he grabbed his shit and walked out of the room.


Frankie turned the shower on and climbed in. She couldn't believe, after everythiing, after telling Max her horrible story, he was back to being a nasty shit to her again.

"Then again, this is Max we're talking about. He doesn't care about anyone except himself." she said to herself.

She washed her hair and then her body, then her face.

She got out and wrapped a towel around herself and looked in the mirror.

Her eyes were red from crying, her makeup smeared. The tip of her nose was also red, her cheeks were puffy.

Yep, all signs of crying. For some boy who doesn't even know right from wrong, up or down, good and evil.

She looked down at her arm, the one Max had grabbed. Bruises were already forming.

"That'll be great to explain to Craig." she said.

Unless he was too busy talking about his fun times with Gab and Leila. Maybe she should have asked if she could spend time with them instead of Max.

She sighed and went back to the room, opening her bag and pulling out some clean clothes. As she got dressed, she found her little baggy that held her razor in it.

She grabbed it, pulling the razor out of the bag.

"Why the fuck not? Max still does drugs, I should still be allowed to do what makes me feel good..right?" she said.

With that, she went into the bathroom, closing the door and sitting down on the floor.

She made a few little cuts on her arm, below her elbow, nothing major. She didn't even have to push hard, the blade was sharp enough as is.

She looked at her wrist.

One little cut. One cut to end it all. You can do it, you know you can. Craig won't know..not yet at least. And Max, well, he also won't know. He left you here. Maybe no one will know. The maid will probably find your body in the bathroom, she'll scream and run out and tell the hotel manager that she found a dead girl on the bathroom floor. Just one little cut.

"I'm sorry Craig..I'm so sorry." she said, tears streaming down her face again.

She pressed the razor to her skin, instantly hitting the vein. She gasped in pain as the blood started sputtering out of her wound, going everywhere. On her, on her clothes, on the white tile of the bathroom floor.

Frankie rested her arm beside her as the blood flowed from the wound. She leaned her head back against the counter and closed her eyes.

"Please God..just let me die.." was the last thing she remembered saying before she blacked out.

You're Stuck In Here With Me *Max Green Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now