Max Saved Her

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"Am I dead?" Frankie asked, looking around the white walled room, or wherever the fuck she was.

"No, but you're dying." a voice said. She didn't recgonize it. "God?" she asked, looking up towards a bright light.

"Yes my child." the voice said. Frankie sighed. "I'm so sorry for killing myself..I had too though..I couldn't..I couldn't be around him anymore." Frankie said.

The voice didn't say anything. Frankie looked around. "God?" she asked, not sure if he was still there.

"He came back for you." the voice said.

"What?" Frankie asked, confused.

"That boy...he came back for you. He found you, my child, look." the voice said.

A scene opened up before Frankie's eyes. She could see her body in the bathroom, blood everywhere. The door opened and Max appeared. He stared at Frankie's body, he was screaming something, but she couldn't hear it. She watched as he pulled his phone out and yelled into the phone. Probably calling the ambulance. He then sat down and pulled Frankie's head into his lap, holding her, rocking her, stroking her hair and face. And then she saw it. Max was crying! He was actually crying!

What she heard next, she would remember forever. "Please come back to me...please...I fucking need you! You can't leave me! You can't!...please...please..don't die..please. I need you so much." it was Max, she could hear him.

"He loves you..he just doesn't know how to show it. Go back to him." the voice said.

"But..I...I can't." Frankie said.

"You can. It's not your time, my" the voice said.

Frankie's eyes opened suddenly and she looked around. She was in a hospital bed, hooked up to I.V.s and her wrist was bandaged up.

She looked around, seeing Max asleep in the chair against the wall. He had blood on his shirt and his face was puffy from crying.

"M..Max?" she asked.

Max opened his eyes and looked over. "You're awake!" he said.

"Yeah..wha..what happened?" she asked.

"I felt bad for snapping at you and everything and so I came back..also to tell you that Allen was loading up the bus and we were about to leave to go get the guys..and so I came back into the room and I couldn't find you but your bags were still there so I knew you didn't leave." Max explained.

Frankie watched him as he looked down at her arm.

"Anyways..I saw the bathroom light on and figured you were in there. I knocked and called your name a couple of times and when you didn't answer, I decided to just open it and that's when I found you..I thought you were dead." Max said, tears starting to build up in his eyes again.

"Oh..." Frankie said.

That's all she could say.

"Why did you do it?" Max asked.

"I..I don't know.." Frankie said.

Just then the door opened and Craig, Robert and Monte ran in. Max backed away from her.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Craig yelled at her.

Frankie looked down. "I'm sorry.."

"Dude, don't yell at her." Max said.

"Shut up, Max." Craig said and turned to Frankie.

"Are you trying to fucking die?!" he yelled again.

You're Stuck In Here With Me *Max Green Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now