Then He Goes And Pulls Some Shit Like This

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Frankie was standing in the shower, adjusting the temperature of the water, trying to find somethin that wouldn't burn her cuts.

She winced in pain when the hot water touched it. "Ow! Motherfucker!" she said to herself, hoping none of the guys heard.

Luckily, they didn't.

She turned the cold knob all the way, turning on all the cold water. The chill gave her goosebumps but it was better then hot water.

After her shower, she got out and dried off and then slipped her panties and bra on, then some black skinny jeans and a hot pink Paramore tshirt.

She sat down on the toilet, looking at her wrist/arm. She'd need help wrapping it up again, some of the cuts were bleeding also.

She got up and opened the door. "Um..uh can someone come help me bandage this up?" she asked.

Craig, Robert and Monte looked at Max, nodding towards the bathroom.

Max got up and wiped his hands on the towel before going into the bathroom with Frankie.

She sat back down on the toilet seat, staring down. Max closed the door and grabbed the stuff.

He walked over and got down on his knees in front of her.

"Let me see." he said, his voice gentle.

Frankie held her arm out. Max frowned when he saw some of cuts were bleeding.

"Aw, baby, you're bleeding." Max said.

She looked at him. It was the first time he had called her baby, it sounded cute.

"I know." she said.

He got a piece of tissue and dabbed it on the cuts, getting the blood off. She winced a little. After the blood was gone, Max put some Neosporin on the cuts and then started wrapping the bandage around her wrist/arm.

"All done." he said, kissing her arm. Frankie smiled. "Thank you." she said, leaning down and kissing him.

When she looked up, she gasped. Robert, Monte, and Craig had been watching the whole thing and now they had the biggest, stupidest grins on their faces.

"Aw!" the three boys said in unison.

"Will you guys get the fuck out of here?!" Max said, going to close the door.

They laughed and walked off. Frankie smiled a little. "They're spying." she said.

Max nodded. " are going to be okay tonight, right?"

Frankie nodded. "Yeah, I will." she said, standing up.

Max smiled and gave her one more kiss.


"Frankie, what happened, mate?" Oli asked.

It was later that day and Frankie, Lorna, and Jay were getting the merch tables set up and things.

"Oh..." Frankie said, looking down at her bandage.

She really didn't know how to explain it. Like, what would the rest of them think of her if she just straight up told them that she was trying to kill herself and failed and Max had saved her?

They'd probably hate her.

"Nothing major..just a sprained wrist." Frankie lied.

Good thing she was good at lying.

Oli believed her. "Well, you gotta be more careful, kid."

Frankie smiled. "Yeah, that's what Craig said."

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