1: Worst Day Ever

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Girl Mechanic by JellOfAllTrades
Chapter 1

"I've got to admit, Ms. Martinez, this is disappointing." Suzie took her test booklet from her professor and can't help but wince after seeing the big red failing mark she got. Her professor must have seen her reaction because he asked if she's okay to which she replied with a sigh and a forced smile. "I'm fine."

Suzie is having one of those bad days again. Her classmates took notice of her tired look and kept distance. Suzanne Martinez is one girl you would not want to see angered even if she looks like an angel all the time.

"Hey Suzie, want to go grab some coffee? Or maybe some milktea to cool your head off?" Suzie's best friend Veronica Soriano invited with a worried frown.

"Just having a bad day, but thanks Ronnie," Suzie shook her head, "I'm meeting Dylan later."

"Okay." Ronnie just shrugged with a teasing smile. "See you on Monday."

"You don't want to meet tomorrow?"

"I'd love to, but we're going to Laguna this weekend. Cousin's debut and we're expected." Ronnie explained, rolling her eyes.

"Oh. See you on Monday then." Suzie laughed. She knows perfectly well how Ronnie dislikes her egotistical Laguna cousins. Suzie met these cousins when their block decided to rent a private resort in Laguna which Ronnie's grandparents own. They really are quite boastful.

"Bye, bestie! Oh, and careful driving later." Ronnie winked and hugged Suzie goodbye before rushing off the corridor.

Suzie turned to the opposite direction where her boyfriend, Dylan Gomez's department building is located. They're studying in the same university but are in different programs. Dylan's taking up information technology while she and Ronnie are taking up accountancy.

As Suzie exited their building and crossed the grounds, she can't help but feel down for failing her test earlier. She hoped that Dylan can bring her out for some snacks or maybe even dinner to lighten up her mood. But then again, maybe today is really just not her day because as she turned right to the old narra tree, she stopped in her tracks when she saw a dark haired girl furiously kissing a boy she thought she knew so well.

"Dylan!" She shouted to the couple, hoping to get the boy's attention.

The raven haired girl pulled away to breathe some air and saw her. Dylan musn't have heard her call out his name because when he turned around to look at what the girl is staring at, his jaw dropped in shock.

"Care to explain?" Suzie asked, crossing her arms and rasing an eyebrow at the couple. It is taking her all not to attack the couple and cause a scene.

"I...uhmm...Suzie...I'm sorry." Dylan stuttered.

"Oh, the heck you are." Suzie slapped Dylan in the face before turning to the still shocked girl. "You know Anna, you're a nice girl. You could have settled for a better guy than this two timing jerk." And then she kicked her now ex-boyfriend in the balls before running away to the direction of the school's parking lot with tears flowing down her cheeks.

When she got to her car, she turned around just to check if Dylan even chased after her but only got herself disappointed. She got in and drove off. This is clearly not her day.

"I knew there was something fishy about that girl!" Suzie muttered to herself as she stopped at the red light. "And that--!" She growled in frustration remembering Dylan.

Drifting off, she didn't notice the stoplight turn green so the car behind her honked their horns and even shouted some indecent words. Suzie can't help but shout out a few curses before driving off.

Her house is just 20 minutes from university so it wasn't really far off. Suzie entered their subdivision and turned right at the first intersection before she started hearing a weird noise coming from the engine of her car.

"Not now... Please not now." Suzie prayed as the noise got louder and her car slower.

Before her car completely stalled, she parked it aside and got off. The car engine sputtered to a halt as she got out. Annoyed, Suzie opened the car's hood only to get a faceful of hot white smoke.

"What is wrong with you?!" Suzie frustratingly shouted at the red car. "I'm just a few more blocks away! You could have waited until I got home!"

Frustrated and angry, she kicked the front tire only to regret doing so.

"Why?!" She shouted as she jumped up and down, holding her injured foot. "Why?!"

"You okay, miss?"

Suzie turned around and stumbled on the gutter. She fell flat on her face on the stony pavement.

Definitely not her day.

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