5: To the Rescue

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Girl Mechanic by JellOfAllTrades
Chapter 5

"So Suzie, going to the canteen for lunch?" Levi asked, flashing her toothy grin that has rendered Suzie speechless.

"Yeah," Suzie answered.

"You alone?" Levi asked, looking around. "You can join us if you want."

Suzie flushed at the thought of her having lunch with Levi. Ever since she spent time with her last Saturday she had always wanted to go back and see her again.

"I...uhh...sure." Suzie nodded.

"Great! Let's go!" Levi smiled, putting an arm around Suzie.

Suzie flushed deep red at the gesture but she tried her best to calm down so that they wouldn't notice Levi's effect on her.

"So Suzie," Paul started, "we can call you Suzie, right?"

"Yes. Of course."

"How'd you and Levi meet?"

"My car broke down in front of their house." Suzie recounted. "She helped me and fixed it."

"Really?" Dominic gave out a hearty laugh. "This girl really knows how to help people, do you?"

"Shut up, Doms." Levi rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Anyways Suzie," Allan said, "Levi did quite something in our class earlier. She--what?"

Allan stopped midway when they heard someone shout Suzie's name from behind them. They all turned around to see Suzie's cheating ex-boyfriend, Dylan holding a bouquet of flowers, walking towards them.

"Suzie!" Dylan called out. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Suzie gripped Levi's hand out of nervousness. Her heart is thumping wildly at the sight of Dylan, remembering how she caught him kissing Anna ferociously by the narra tree near the computer studies department.

Levi must have sensed Suzie's discomfort because she stepped forward and protectively covered the girl. "What do you need?"

"I just want to talk, Suzie." Dylan said, his hands visibly shaking at the sight of Levi's friends. Paul, Johnny, Allan and Dominic are all larger than him by bulk and height.

"We can drive him out if you like," Levi whispered to Suzie, eyeing Dylan warily.

Tears are nearly forming at the end of Suzie's eyes. But she blinked it away.

"I'll...I'll talk to him." Suzie decided, stepping out of Levi's protective cover.

"You sure?" Levi gave Suzie a worried look that made the girl whimper.

"I'll be fine," Suzie assured.

"Then we'll keep watch if you need help." Levi said.

Suzie smiled gratefully at Levi before approaching Dylan. They both walked to one side of the quadrangle to avoid being overheard. Levi kept her promise and stayed within sight of the couple.

"I want to apologize, Suzie." Dylan started, giving the bouquet to her. "I'm really sorry for what happened last Friday."

"Yeah, you are..."

Dylan grabbed Suzie's available hand. "Look, Suzie, it was Anna--"

"So you're blaming her?" Suzie took back her hand. "Whatever happened wouldn't happen if you didn't let her do it!"

"That's why I'm saying sorry!" Dylan roared in frustration but quickly regret doing so as Suzie took a step back in fright. Dylan shook his head for losing control. "Suzie, look. I'm sorry. Anna and I? We're done. I'm sorry, please take me back. I love you."

Suzie tried to get away from Dylan. "You think saying I love you is going to fix everything? You think I still love you for what you did? We're over, Dylan. We're over!"

Dylan tried to hug Suzie to stop her from walking away but she kept on pushing him back, screaming.

"We're done! Don't touch me!"

"Suzie!" Dylan shouted, trying to get a grip of Suzie's hands.

Levi saw what was happening and quickly came to Suzie's aid. She pulled Suzie away from Dylan's reach and protectively hugged her as Paul and Johnny took Dylan away.

"He's gone," Levi hushed to Suzie who broke down on her shoulder, "he's gone. Everything's going to be fine. Things will get better."

"Don't worry about that guy," Allan assured, "Paul and Johnny will talk t him."

Dominic offered his handkerchief but Levi has already taken out hers and is wiping away Suzie's tears.

"Things will get better," Levi repeated, smiling to Suzie, trying to calm her down.

Suzie was grateful for Levi's words and her mere presence. She couldn't bear to think of what Dylan could have done to her if Levi's group hadn't come in to interfere.

"C'mon, let's go. I'll treat you ice cream if you want." Levi said with a warm smile that heated up Suzie's cheeks.

Suzie nodded, thinking that if things did went bad between her and Dylan, at least she met Levi. Things do get better.

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