Special Chapter 1

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Girl Mechanic by JellOfAllTrades
Special Chapter 1

"Ready?" Levi asked, lightly squeezing Suzie's hand.

Suzie felt like something was stuck in her throat and she felt like throwing up but all she can do was gulp and nod at Levi.

Levi opens the door and leads Suzie inside. The living room was empty so they continued down the hall towards the dining area.

It's not the first time that Suzie has been inside the Mariano house and met Levi's family so she knows there's nothing to be afraid about. But her heart is pounding heavily in her chest and she's worried that her hands are starting to wet from the anxiety. Seeing that Levi's hand is entwined with hers as they both make their way through the house, she wishes it would stay dry. She doesn't want Levi letting go because it's gone sweaty.

As if sensing Suzie's obvious discomfort, Levi turns to her and gives her hand a light squeeze. "Hey, don't worry. I got this."

"Are you sure about this?"

Levi chuckles at the question. "I doubt it'll come as a surprise to them that we're dating."

Suzie pouts at Levi's answer, worry still clawing in her chest. Levi stops in her tracks and steps closer to Suzie to cup her face.

"Hey, I love you, okay? I swear it'll be fine." Levi says before leaning in to kiss her in the lips.

Suzie felt the tightness in her chest disappear after Levi's kiss. It was as if Levi had sucked away the fear in her.

"I love you too."

Levi flashes her toothy grin at Suzie. "Let's go?"

Suzie nods, more enthusiastic this time. If Levi says it's going to be fine, then she should trust her.

They get into the dining area where Marcus is busy setting the table, Mrs. Mariano is in the kitchen transferring the food into serving bowls and Mr. Mariano is already seated at one end of the table, reading something in his cellphone.

"Hi," Levi greets her family.

"We didn't hear you come in," Marcus says, "hello, Suzie."


Suzie saw Marcus' gaze move to her hand which is tightly held by Levi. His eyebrows arches upward and smiles wider.

"Well, well," Marcus says in a teasing tone, "looks like this isn't just a normal family lunch."

"Mom, dad, kuya, I would like to say something." Levi announces.

Mr. Mariano sets his cellphone on the table and looks up at the teenage girls. Mrs. Mariano also sets the bowl of pasta she was holding on the center of the dining table and looks expectantly at Levi.

Levi gives a toothy grin to Suzie and then looks at her family and said, "I'm bisexual and Suzie is my girlfriend."

"Awesome," Marcus commented, "anything else you would like to say, Captain Obvious?"

"Captain Obvious?" Levi repeats. "Are we that obvious?"

"Duh, we've known since you were a kid and since we first saw Suzie." Marcus replies. "The way she looks at you before was how my exes used to look at me. Only a blind person would not see that."

Suzie felt her cheeks flare up with the comment and she looks down to her feet out of embarrassment.

"Mom, dad, anything you would like to say?" Levi asks, ignoring her brother's remark.

"We've known since you first picked out your brother's toy car than play with the doll we gave you." Mr. Mariano said as a matter of factly, "now, you and Suzie better take your seats because I'm hungry and that spaghetti looks delicious."

Mrs. Mariano was kinder than Levi's dad and brother. She held Levi and Suzie each by the hand and smiles warmly at the two.

"I'm sorry about those two but I'm glad that you told us." She says to Levi and turns to Suzie. "Welcome to the family, Suzie. Please don't be shy with us."

"Thank you,"

"Thanks, mom."

Mrs. Mariano pulls the two girls into a hug and then guides them to the two empty seats on one side of the table.

After all of them are seated, Suzie reached for Levi's hand under the table and gave it a light squeeze.

She may have been really nervous earlier but seeing the warm welcome from the Mariano family, Suzie felt like her heart was going to burst with happiness.

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