8: Friendzone

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Girl Mechanic by JellOfAllTrades
Chapter 8

"Suzie!" Levi snapped. "You're blanking out on me again."

"I'm sorry," Suzie shook her head to wake herself from the daydream she had. A dream where Levi likes her too.

"So, you coming over tomorrow?" Levi asked.

"If you still want me to."

"What's up with you?" Levi moved closer. "You seem distracted these past few days. You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just sleepy, that's all." Suzie said, straightening up.

It's been a week since Suzie first saw Kurt and it's been a whole week that she kept on hanging out with Levi, although a lot less cheerful. If Levi noticed the change, she didn't ask much thinking that Suzie must have been working up late on her assignments and reviewing for midterms.

The next day, Suzie drove to Levi's house after lunch.

"Suzie! C'mon, I'm gonna introduce you to my brother." Levi greeted her with excitement. She puller her to the garage where a tall, older and male version of Levi was working on the Beetle.

"Kuya Marcus!" Levi called, "this is Suzie. Suzie, this is my brother, Marcus."

"Hello," Marcus smiled, his eyes crinkling the same way Levi does.

"Hi," Suzie greeted shyly. She wondered how old Marcus is because if their age isn't that far apart, then maybe she can like him instead. Just so she can stop thinking about Levi so much.

"Kuya manages the repair shop outside that's why he's not around when you visit," Levi explained.

"Which repair shop?" Suzie asked, remembering the long line of car repair shops outside of their subdivision.

"We're the rather big one on the corner, Mariano Repairs." Marcus explained. "Dad's the one managing today, said I gotta take a break once in a while."

"Oh, you guys own a repair shop?" Suzie's eyebrows arched towards Levi. "That explains Levi's attachment to cars."

"Attachment?" Levi countered. "I'm not attached to cars!"

"Yeah right, how many girls our age knows how to fix a car and collect Matchboxes?"

Marcus and Suzie laughed as Levi scratched her head, smiling in embarrassment.

"So, I'm gonna leave you two girls here," Marcus said, tossing Levi some keys, "take my car, I don't want you to make this fine girl ride that death trap." He jerked his head towards Levi's motorbike which is parked on the side, a black helmet rested on the handlebars.

"It's not a death trap!" Levi rejected, pouting.

"Right. Have fun." Marcus entered the kitchen door and disappeared.

"Want to drive around town?" Levi turned to face Suzie. "I know this place that serves some really good burgers and milkshakes."

"Sounds great." Suzie nodded. Maybe this time she can forget about her feelings for Levi and just have a good time.

They both got in on the red Toyota beside Levi's Beetle.

"So, what's with the death trap?" Suzie asked as Levi backed out of the garage. "Why do you have it when your family doesn't like you driving it?"

"Actually, my mom and Kuya Marcus don't like it. It's my thirteenth birthday present from dad." Levi answered. "It was broken beyond repair so the last owner decided to throw it out. Dad bought it thinking it's a good restoration project for me."

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