PART 4 - Date

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I woke up the next day at 11:00 I forgot to set my alarm so I had to get ready quickly. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body, I got out and did my hair and make up like this:

 I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body, I got out and did my hair and make up like this:

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My hair ^

My hair ^

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My makeup ^

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My makeup ^

After I did my hair and makeup I followed Daniels rules and dressed in a casual outfit

After I did my hair and makeup I followed Daniels rules and dressed in a casual outfit

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My outfit ^

When I was ready it was 3:00 I took so long getting ready to make myself look perfect.
I sat on your bed to check my phone when I see I have a message from Daniel I open my phone and read the text

~text messages~
Daniel❤️: after our date do you want to stay over?
Holly: sure let me just tell my mum and I'll get some clothes to take to yours
Daniel❤️: ok, I'm ready after you've packed some clothes and you are ready do you want me to pick you up earlier
Holly: sure I'm already ready and it shouldn't take long packing my things :)
Daniel❤️: ok tell me when your ready and I'll come pick you up, we'll go a few other places before we go to the special place :)
Holly: that's fine with me, see you soon x
Daniel❤️: see you soon x

I got my stuff ready and told daniel I was ready, he said he was on his way so I sat on the couch until I heard the doorbell ring
*ding dong*
I stood up grabbed my bag and walked to the door. I opened the door to see a very handsome Daniel Seavey standing there, I gave him a kiss on the cheek then got in the car putting my bags in the back.
I was driving around for a few minutes jamming to music when Daniel said:

Daniel: I didn't know you could sing!
Holly: well I'm not that good at it
Daniel: yes you are you are amazing
Holly: *you blushed* well thanks

I continued driving and arrived at the movie theatre. Daniel said that I could pick the movie we were going to watch so I decided to pick IT. I wasn't that keen on scary movies but it was my way of getting closer to Daniel. We brought some tickets and went inside, we sat at the back and when the movie started I was fine but when it got scary I jumped a bit and cuddled into Daniel chest.
By the end I was so close to Daniel and he had his arm around me, I looked up at him and said

Holly: it's nearly 7 maybe we should go to the special place.
Daniel: yeah let's go it will take a little while to get there

We got up and left the movie theatre to get in the car. When I got in Daniel handed me a blindfold to put on, I questioned it at first but just put it on. I felt the car stop and the car door open. Daniel grabbed my hand and led me somewhere, when he removed the blindfold there was an amazing setup on a beach. I looked at Daniel and said thank you. We spent a few hours talking when daniel said

Daniel: hey holly, can I ask you something?
Holly: yeah...
Daniel: well when I first met you I thought you were really cute, now that I've gotten to know you I found out just how amazing you are and I wanted to know if you wanted to be .. my girlfriend?
Holly: Daniel...
Daniel: oh I knew it was to early, why-
Holly: Daniel let me finish
Daniel: ok...
Holly: Daniel when I met you I fell in love and I have been waiting for you to ask me that so yes, yes I would love to be your girlfriend.
*I looked at Daniel smiled and then he started leaning in so I did too until our lips met*
We pulled away and decided it was getting late so we headed to the car and drove to the Why Don't We house. When we arrived we were quiet going in thinking the rest of the boys would be asleep which they were. I went upstairs with Daniel and changed into my pyjama shorts and the hoodie of Daniels that he lent me when I was cold

Daniel: is that my hoodie? *he chuckles*
Holly: yeah it is *I giggle*
Daniel: it's so big on you it looks like your not wearing anything underneath *he laughs*
Holly: yeah haha

Daniel changed into some tracksuits and just took off his top leaving him shirtless. He climbed into his bed and I followed behind him and climbed in resting my head on his chest. He kissed me on the head and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
A/N: This is a very long chapter but I hope you enjoyed also I did post 2 chapters today so I hope you enjoyed it ❤️

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