PART 11 - Proposal

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(Hollys P.O.V)

Today Daniel said he was taking me out for the whole day. I didn't really know what for all I knew was that it was apparently special. He told me the boys were looking after the babies so there was no need to worry. I went to get ready in some casual clothes and applied little make up and did my hair.

My outfit ^

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My outfit ^

My outfit ^

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My hair^

My hair^

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My makeup^

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My makeup^

Once I was ready I went downstairs to see the boys already playing with the babies. It was so cute how much they loved them and I couldn't wait to see how they grow up. I walked over to Daniel who was standing around looking at how happy the boys were. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cuddled into him to watch the boys as well.

Daniel: *whispers* you ready babe?
Holly: *whispers* ready as I'll ever be!
Daniel: ok boys me and Holly are leaving now, look after them and make sure none of them get hurt.
All the boys: ok bye!
Holly & Daniel: byee!

Me and Daniel left and got into the car. We turnt up the music and began singing along to it whilst Daniel drove us to this so called "special" place.

Daniel: Holly you should start singing as a career, your really good!
Holly: I don't know, what if no one else thinks I am?
Daniel: they will babe, they will

We were driving for a while, still listening to music. When finally we arrived. We were at the beach where Daniel first asked to be my girlfriend.

We began walking along the beach until we came across a little set up that had white silk everywhere and glitter giving it that shine.

Daniel: were here!
Holly: what are we doing here babe?
Daniel: *grabs your hand and leads you to the set up* babe I love you so much.
Holly: I love you too but you don't have to do this to me all the time.
Daniel: I wish I could do the all the time but I wanted to make today really special as there's something I want to do.
Holly: ok...
*soft music begins to play*
Holly: where's that music coming from?
*loads of recognisable people start to walk out, like my mum and family*
Daniel: hey look at me, I have loved you for ages now, when I first layed eyes on you I knew you were the one. Today is our 3 year anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. But I don't want to be saying boyfriend or girlfriend anymore... I want to be calling you something more special. *he knelt down on one knee* Holly, would you take my hand in marriage so I can call you my wife and not just my girlfriend?

Tears fell from my eyes messing up my make up, I didn't really mind that much all I cared about was the fact daniel asked me to marry him?! He was holding a book with the most beautiful diamond ring in it ever and there was no way I could resist.

Holly: Daniel, I would love to

Daniel stood up and hugged me so tightly. We pulled away as he slipped the ring on my finger. I couldn't believe it. I heard the sound of very familiar voices behind me followed by some I had never heard before...

Jonah: Hey Holly!
All the boys: CONGRATS!
Harmony: mama!
Timothy: dada!
Anthony: mama!
Melody: dada!
Holly: omg harmony, melody, Anthony, Timothy, your first words!

I ran over to my babies and hugged them all. Daniel followed behind me grabbing hold of Anthony and harmony in each arm. He was such a proud dad and it made me so happy.

Holly: but boys you knew all along!!
Boys: sort of
Holly: what do you mean, sort of?
Zach: well we were only told yesterday
Holly: didn't you and jack want to go out today?
Jack: we had to change our plans
Holly: for me?
Corbyn: they had to we knew how special this would be to you do we had to do whatever we could to be here.
Holly: aww thanks guys.

I was so happy that the boys helped out with this and looked after the babies. Even if this didn't happen and me and Daniel were only going out for the day then Jonah and Corbyn could look after the babies by themselves but what were jack and Zach planning on doing? They must be hiding something? I wanted to ask but it would ruin the moment so I should wait till tomorrow...

True Love: DanielWhere stories live. Discover now