PART 13 - Midnight Feast

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{during the night}

Babies: waaaa! Waaaaaa! Waaaa!

I got up a gain for the billionth time during the night. I now understand why Jonah and Corbyn looked exhaused all the time. Daniel was a deep sleeper but he was still woken up. Zach and jack sleep in the room next to us which have quite thick walls but they were still woken up. And even if Jonah and Corbyn had put up with this for many nights it was never this bad, Jonah and Corbyn had woken up too.

Corbyn: tonight something's different
Jonah: they were never this loud when they were with us.
Jack: I don't think they screamed at all in your room, I didn't hear them once
Zach: me neither
Daniel: we don't know what's wrong.
Holly: and I doubt any of us will be able to sleep tonight.
Daniel: this calls for night time feasts
Jonah: I'll get the pizza
Corbyn: I'll get the sweets
Jack: I'll get the drinks
Zach: I'll get chipotle
Daniel: I'll get the blankets
Holly: and I'll get the babies stuff
Everyone: let's go!

Everyone went their separate ways, Jonah downstairs to order pizza, Corbyn to the best sweet shop in town that's open 24/7, jack to the store which is open 24hrs, Daniel to the cupboard with all the cosy blankets and pillows in and then me, I just went to my room and one by took all 4 babies downstairs in their carrier. I rested them on the ground and one by one placed them in their rocking beds that help them fall to sleep. A few minutes later everyone arrived back and we all went to the front room.

Jonah and Corbyn were on the couch. Zach and jack moved a live sac so it created a circle and they sat on there then me and Daniel sat on a live sac as well. I laid my head on Daniels chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. The babies had calmed down and were drifting to sleep. Everyone else had quit conversations about random stuff they knew.

Zach: guys, I have never burped in my entire life
Corbyn: what? Wait how
Zach: i don't really know I just never have.
Daniel: that's talent right there.
Jack: when I was a teenager I used to have straight hair
Jonah: how is it curly now then?
Jack: every 3 months I get a perm to keep it curly
Holly: that's cool
Daniel: once I met this beautiful girl...
Holly: what was her name?
Daniel: wait I'm getting there. Anyway, I met this beautiful girl who I loved very dearly. I thought she loved me back but... well she didn't... she loved me really back like a lot and I love her so much that I proposed to her...
Holly: aww well what happened to her?
Daniel: she got even more prettier and prettier and not gonna lie I see her everyday
Holly: your seeing someone behind my back?!?
Daniel: no no listen, this girls name was Holly
Holly: OMG Daniel you scared me so much you idiot, I hate you!
Daniel: no you don't, you love me
Holly: that's true, anyway next story!
Jonah: well once in like 4th grade I really liked these two girls. One day they were at one of their houses. I decided I wanted to ask one of them something so I called her up. I said hey like a normal person would then I asked her the question "would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Zach: what she say?
Jonah: well she sorta kinda rejected me
Jack: I'm sorry bro
Jonah: wait there's more. After she rejected me I asked her if she could hand her phone to her friend and she did. I then asked her the same question but this time...
Corbyn: she said yes?!?!
Jonah: wellll no, I got rejected twice
Daniel: damn bro that's harsh
Jonah: yep anyway Corbyn your turn
Corbyn: ok so once I was out on a walk with Christina, we were walking through a war field type of thing which had extremely long grass. It started getting very dark so we decided we should go home. Once we got to the car I reached in my picket for the keys but they weren't there.
Zach: what happened to them?
Corbyn: well I was running away from Christina and they must've fallen out. We started searching for them but the field was huge and there was no way. Christina's phone died and immune was low on charge. It was freezing out and Christina was wearing my mercy which bare in mind it really thin so she was literally dying. I called my sister as I remember I had a metal detector I had got one time. My sister drove to the place we were at and helped us look for them. The detector kept on beeping but it wasn't the keys.
Jack: what was it then?
Corbyn: well we were in s battle field so it was things like bullets and stuff.
Holly: did you end up finding the keys
Corbyn: we did however by the time we did it was pitch black and we didn't even find it using the detector just our eyes and our phone lights. We were exhausted but we drove home and cuddled.
Jonah: aww cute
Zach: well that's cool but I have another story to tell you, well it's not a story and it involves... jack.

Zach looked at me to signal that he was gonna tell the boys about #jachary bein real, but what would their reaction be?...

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