PART 21 - The funeral

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We got home and went to sleep. I really didn't want to plan the funeral for Melody it killed me whenever I thought about it.

~In the morning~

I didn't get much sleep last night. I spent the night looking at the family picture on the wall and cried. Cried. Until I cried myself to sleep at 4 in the morning. I woke up at 7 and I decided to grab a blanket and head downstairs. Daniel had stayed up all night with me too and he woke up when I did to. I felt bad for keeping him up but I couldn't help it.

I sat on the sofa cuddled up to daniel in the blanket. Tears escaped from my eyes and I wiped my eyes repeatedly hoping to calm myself down.

Daniel: hey, hey it's ok. You'll be ok. I know it's hard. We lost our baby. But she's in a better place. She's flying with the angels. Waving down on you. Happy that you were her mum and always will be.

I started to calm down and Daniel pulled me in closer.

Daniel: come on, let's plan this funeral.
Holly: yeah

Me and Daniel grabbed the MacBook and searched for the best place to gather for the funeral. When we finally booked it the boys were gathered around looking with us.

We spent the day in doors to make sure we didn't bump into anyone that made us more upset. I constantly kept on remembering about it and it killed me inside. 2 of my closest people in my world were gone; My mum and my daughter.

~A week Later~
Today was the day of the funeral of melody. We didn't invite a lot of people but we did invite mine and Daniels close family members, Melody's nan and grandads and of course the band. Everyone stood around the digger hole where melody was going to be buried. She was going to be buried in a private cemetery personally designed for us. We rented out some land and people built a fence around it. It wasn't very big but big enough for the band and I's close families. Me and Daniel both wrote a speech together that we were going to say to Melody before she was buried. We also brought many flowers and I brought her favourite blanket that she had with her all the time.


Holly: I'm already missing you, and you've only been gone for a short amount of time. I know that your strong. I know you'll always still be with me. In my heart. I know that your always protecting me. I am devastated to not be able to see you grow up, go to school, get a job, see you grow. But i just wanted to let you know that no matter what we are still your family. I will never forget you and I know you'll be watching from above. I love you.

Daniel: Hey Mel, I didn't really know what to say, I didn't know you were going to be gone at such a young age. I didn't know I wasn't going to see you grow as an individual. I didn't know I would've lost someone who means so much to me before I got to find out more about you. Time went too fast and I wish I could go back and change everything I did to make you happy, to make sure I knew that you enjoyed everyday of your life before it was over. I'm missing you like crazy and I wish you didn't have to go. I love you.

Everyone was crying. Me and Daniel hugged into each other tightly. Crying, crying. We didn't stop, Melody was then buried and I remembered something I read one time. "Once you lose a loved one you think they're gone forever, they aren't, they just float up and follow you around to make sure your doing ok. If your ever thinking about them look up and wave" so I did, I looked up, I looked up at the clouds and formed a vision of melody with my eyes. I lifted my hand and waved. I waved knowing that she was there.

~rest of my life~
Well the rest of my life went smoothly. The boys were constantly touring and grew massively. My children grew up and got successful jobs. Zach and Jack were still together and ended up adopting a little boy named caden, they also got married and it was amazing. All the other boys got married and had their own children too. The band was still going strong at the age of 40+ and it was amazing. I enjoyed my life whether it had downs there were always ups that made me stronger.

Moral of this story: you may suffer hard times and feel like you can't go on but you always have I strength in you. Keep going.

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