PART 12 - #Jachary

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I woke up the next morning still smiling from yesterday. I looked at my hand to see the diamond ring and then at sleeping daniel, he was so cute I didn't know how I got so lucky with him. He was amazing.

I climbed out of bed and headed to Zach's and Jacks room. They didn't expect me coming but I wanted to ask why only they are going out today, normally it would everyone but they strictly said that it could only be them. I open the door and saw something I never thought I would. I may not have been expecting it but I wasn't gonna su that it wasn't cute.

Zach and jack were both in jacks bed cuddling. I had to find out a lot of this now so I decided to wake them up no matter how guilty I would feel for 1) ruining the moment but 2) just waking them up.

Holly: Zach, jack? Wake up! *i whisper shouted*
Jack: huhuh? Holly ummmm
Zach: did you not lock the door jack?
Jack: I swear I did
Holly: ok it doesn't matter if anyone locked the door or not you had a bit of explaining to do. Let's start with this...
Zach: we have more then one thing to explain? Geez
Jack: Zach let her continue or all the boys might find out too soon as well.
Holly: thanks you jack, ok let's start with why you are both in the bed together and maybe it'll lead to Why today you were planning on going out by yourselves when usually we all go.
Jack: umm Zach you can explain
Zach: we both can but I'll start, so basically today me and jack wanted to go out to take a little time to process some things
Holly: and what things?
Zach: the things we need to tell everyone
Holly: ok and why were you two in the same bed?
Jack: ok this is where we tell you, me and Zach have been dating for a while now, we are both in fact bisexual. It started off when me and Zach were getting very close and I started to develop feelings for him
Zach: then jack told me about this and it took me a while to process but I ended up falling for him too.
Holly: are you kidding?
Jack: you don't like it do you?
Holly: no no it's not that it's that it's unique and I thought that it was so cuteee!
Zach: really?!
Holly: yes but you'll have to figure out a way to tell the boys, I'll help but maybe later and I need to get back to Daniel before he wakes up.
Zach: Hey Holly, thank you
Holly: it's ok, make sure you lock this door and have fun
Jack: thanks, one more thing, you and Daniel are actually perfect couple goals
Holly: thanks jack, bye

I left thier room and went back to mine and Daniels. Luckily he was still asleep. I walked in silently closing the door and climbing back into bed. I cuddled to his chest and waited for him to wake up.

~few hours later: about 9~

Daniel had woken up and I haven't slept anymore. I did however turn on my side and went on my phone whilst he was sleeping. I didn't realise he woke up until he wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

Daniel: we should go check on the babies and Corbyn and Jonah as they have to stay in their room due to our little room so we should go.
Holly: good idea.

Me and Daniel went into corbyns and jonahs room. They were awake and I could tell they were exhausted. Me and Daniel decided to take the Abbie from their room and take them downstairs so Corbyn and Jonah can have some sleep. On the way down harmony started crying but I hadn't made her some milk yet so I had to be quick. I placed Anthony in the baby bed downstairs whilst Daniel placed melody and Timothy next to him. I gave harmony to Daniel to cradle whilst I made her some milk.

Daniel was able to stop her from crying but I knew it wasn't going to last long to I gave the milk to Daniel who began feeding it to her. I went and made some for the other 3 incase they got whiney as well so I was prepared.

Whilst feeding harmony he began to notice how much she was able to hold to bottle herself. He let go of it and she was drinking it herself.

Daniel: babe these kids are growing up way too fast. Look
Holly: omg yep way to fast aha.

I finished making the milk and went to leave them with each of the babies. Me and Daniel then sat down to watch the news. Nothing really fun was on the news but next thing I knew was that Timothy and Melody were crying. They had been drinking their milk so I went over picking up Timothy, Daniel picking up Melody then sat back down again and began burping the babies. For some reason melody would not burp, she couldn't. Daniel was doing everything correctly so it wasn't that. Maybe it was just that she was like Zach, he's never burped so maybe she never will.

About an hour later all the boys came downstairs and sat on the couch with everyone. Melody and Timothy had fallen asleep in mine and Daniels arms however harmony and Anthony were just playing in their baby beds. I signalled for Zach and jack to go get harmony and Anthony to cuddle and make them fall asleep as the many months they have been alive Zach and jack hardly got to cuddle with them. They sat down and managed to make the babies fall to sleep instantly. Everyone was on the couch just relaxing. We stayed like this all day. When we went to sleep we moved the baby bed to mine and Daniels room for the night so Corbyn and Jonah could get some sleep. We placed the babies in bed, still asleep from earlier and climbed in the bed ourselves. Jack and Zach didn't end up going out that day and I didn't really talk to them about how to tell the boys about their situation but I knew they had the strength to tell everyone.

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