Part 20 - At the Hospital

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Everyone got in the car and we drove to the hospital. We arrived a few minutes later and I rushed to ask for Melody's room number. Once I had it I rushed to her room as quick as I could with the boys behind me.
I reached her room and knocked to see if I was allowed in. The doctor motioned for me to come in and I walked in. I was so panicky and really wished my baby was ok.

Holly: is she ok?
Please say she'll be ok?
Doctor: Holly? Her mum right?
Holly: yeah that's me
Doctor: where is the father
Daniel: it's me
Doctor: we have some good news and bad news. The good news is that there is a possible chance of survival
Holly: that's good, but how much?
Doctor: there's only a 2% chance of survival
Holly: WHAT?
Daniel: this can't be happening no no

The boys were behind us tears coming from their eyes too.

Jack: is there nothing you can do?
Zach: like anything
Doctor: not more than what we already are
Jonah: there must be a way
Corbyn: what are you doing exactly?
Doctor: we stitched up the crack, we put more of her blood type into her, her brain has a lot of damage done, we did everything possible sir
Corbyn: there must be something else I know I can remember.
Doctor: sir theres nothing else I'm sorry, we will continue to work on her and let you know how she's going everyday, one of you can stay with her but no more than one.
Holly: me!
Doctor: Holly it's probably best you don't and the father does, Ive heard that you get really dizzy if anything happens to someone you love and you are there to witness it so it's probably best.
Daniel: I will update you on melody everyday, I promise
Holly: ok but if anything happens call me straight away!
Daniel: will do
Doctor: ok visiting time is over you have to go, except you Daniel?
Daniel: yeah that's my name

I gave Daniel a kiss on the lips still crying and walked slowly out the hospital. Jonah drove us home and I just went and laid on the sofa. I started to fall asleep and I felt a blanket being draped over me. I cuddled the blanket and fell asleep completely. I woke up at about 2 in the morning. I wasn't tired but all I kept thinking about was Melody. Timothy Anthony and harmony I'm guessing we're upstairs with the boys so I didn't have to worry about them as I knew the boys were keeping them safe as they don't want what happens to Melody happen to them.

Suddenly I got a call from Daniel. I was t sure why he was calling me so early but it must've been urgent.

~phone call~

Holly: hello Daniel?
Holly: OK IM ON MY WAY!!!

~end of call~

I ran upstairs the the boys shaking each one of them telling them that we have to go. Corbyn and Jonah grabbed he children quickly strapping them each in their car seat placing it in the car and Jonah began driving us to the hospital.

We arrived minutes later and I rushed to Melody's room whilst the boys grabbed harmony Timothy and Anthony later arriving to Melody's room. As I reached her room I saw Daniel and ran up to him crying intensely. Later the boys arrived and we all waited impatiently.

About 30 minutes later the doctor arrived with 3 nurses behind.

Holly: is she ok?
Doctor: we have bad news
Daniel: oh no
Doctor: she didn't make it.

I fell to the floor puddles of tears. The boys were crying too but why me? Why did I deserve this? Then the boys started to sing, tears in their voices but it was magical.

Jack: 'Always you will be part of me
And I will forever feel your strength
When I need it most
You're gone now, gone but not forgotten
I can't say this to your face
But I know you hear'
Daniel: 'I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again'
Zach: 'When I'm lost, I'm missing you like crazy
And I tell myself I'm so blessed
To have had you in my life, my life'
Daniel: 'I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again'
Zach: 'When I had the time to tell you
I never thought I'd live to see the day'
Jonah: 'When the words I should have said
Would come to haunt me
In my darkest hour I tell myself'
Daniel: 'I'll see you again
I'll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again
I'll see you again'
Corbyn: 'You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I'll see you again
I will see you again
I'll see you again
I miss you like crazy
You're gone but not forgotten
I'll never forget you'
All the boys: 'Someday I'll see you again
I feel you walk beside me
Never leave you, yeah
Gone but not forgotten
I feel you by my side
No this is not goodbye'

They stopped singing but everyone was still crying, we all just stayed in the hospital for about 3 hours until we went home to sit on the couch and watch a film to get our minds off of it. Tomorrow we were going to plan the funeral as we discussed to get that planned so we have plenty of time to get ready for it. It was going to be a long day.

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