PART 14 - My Story

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Zach: So Guys, Me and Jack have something to tell you...
*i look at Zach and gave him that 'go for it' nod*
*he nodded back at me then looked at the boys*
Zach: so I don't know if you guys will hate us for this if have even been suspecting it but...
Jack: me and Zach are gay and are... dating...
Daniel, Jonah and Corbyn: you what?!?!
Zach: I knew they would hate us for it *he frowned looking at jack*
Daniel: what do you mean hate you guys?
Jonah: we would never hate you guys, we're brothers
Corbyn: it's just a little unusual for us, I wasn't expecting this you've kept it so secretive, we never knew.
Holly: I did know, but when I found out it was unusual for me too, you'll get used to it.
Jack: thanks Holly.
Holly: soooo, any other stories? If not I'll tell mine
All the boys: nope
Holly: ok well umm let's start by saying, I was bullied in high school, you know that right?
Daniel: yeah we know that.
Jonah: did something bad happen?
Holly: well sorta, but this is really personal so if I tell you this no one can know.
Corbyn: we won't tell anyone we promise
Holly: thank you.
Zach: so what happened?
Holly: well the main bully of the school, David, he hated me most. One day he had gotten hold of me after school and dragged me into his car.
Daniel: are you ok?!
Holly: dani don't worry this was ages ago I'm fine now.
Daniel: ok well what happened then?
Holly: well he pushed me into his har and strapped me in so I couldn't escape. He began driving somewhere and I was in pain. I tried wriggling free but there was no chance of me escaping.
Zach: where did he take you?
Holly: he took me to the edge of a cliff.
Jonah: what did he do on the edge of I cliff?
Holly: well I was in the back of the car and he stopped at the edge of the cliff. He opened my door and started undoing all the straps keeping me in place.
Jack: he was letting you go?
Holly: that's what I was thinking, I knew my way home from the cliff so I wasn't worried until what he did next.
Jonah: what did he do then?
Holly: well, he grabbed my hands tightly so I couldn't run, he took me to the back of the car and handcuffed me to the car. He then strapped me again so I couldn't move. And he... he...
Daniel: it's ok Holly you can tell us, we won't tell anyone...
Holly: he r-raped me...
Corbyn: omg I'm so sorry! What happened next?!
Holly: well over the next few weeks, everyday he would rape me, each day getting worse and worse. Until one day something happened.
Zach: what happened?!?
Holly: I'm not sure you would like to hear this but, I started bleeding a lot from the pain he was causing.
Zach: where were you bleeding?
Jack: where do you think Zach?
Zach: um idk
Holly: *i looked at him with the, you know look*
Zach: ohhhhhhhhhh I know!
Holly: ok well, I was freaking out and so was David, he instantly rushed me to the hospital as this never happened before, it was so much blood so it couldn't have a been a period but when we got there I had lost masses of blood.
Jonah: what was it?
Holly: well from the constant sex and how hard he had gotten he bad broken the tube and blood began pouring out. The doctor said I had little chance of survival and I had to have surgery to replace the tube and for blood to be placed in me.
Daniel: how are you feeling now?
Holly: I'm fine, other than a low chance of survival the doctor also informed me that I may not be able to have children ever.
Daniel: but we had 4 how does that work?
Holly: well he didn't say I couldn't he said there was a very low chance, I'm lucky I was able to have Melody, harmony, Timothy and Anthony though, they are amazing.
Zach: that's such a personal story Holly.
Jack: were glad you shared it with us though
Jonah: no we know we should look out for you
Corbyn: and it's great to know how much you trust us with that.
Daniel: but I must ask, didn't you tell your mum about him? Why wasn't he taken to jail?
Holly: well I didn't want to, my mum would freak out so much and she always said to be careful make sure you rush home and nothing happens, Mum wasn't home when I got home from school, no one was so she would never know, when she heard I was in hospital she found out and wondered why I didn't tell her as well, I told her she would've had a panic attack or something as she's very sensitive. So she accepted it but David did end up going to jail.
Daniel: I'm so glad your ok!

For the rest of the night me and the boys watched movies eating the chipotle, pizza and snacks. I was so happy I had them as my bestfriends and one as my fiancé! I can't wait for the future!

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