PART 16 - Decision

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I fell unconscious and was only able to heard sirens passing through my head. People were shouting. I was being lifted into what seemed like an ambulance and a similar voice screaming after me. Daniel was worried, I could tell. I heard someone say he wasn't able to ride along as he was only my fiancé not my husband yet or anything. He was doing all he could to come in the ambulance but they refused. The last thing I heard was the ambulance skid along the road. Then there was silence.

~Daniels P.O.V~

Ambulance driver (A/D): sir calm down, we'll call you when you can see her.
Daniel: Please... I'll wait outside I just want to come with on the the journey...
A/D: I cannot sir, please wait at home.
Daniel: NOOO!
Jonah: calm down bro, she'll be ok
Daniel: don't tell me to calm down! Would you be calm if the love of your live is dying?!?
Corbyn: he has a point but Daniel she'll be ok, come here.

Corbyn held out his arms for a hug and I walked over to him crying. The boys never saw me cry but I couldn't hold it back. I hugged corbyn and felt the other boys join in.
Zach: it's ok bro
Jack: let it out
Daniel: I look like a baby, I never cry
Zach: no your not a baby, I would cry if the love of my life was at a low rate of survival and I would feel like a baby but it's normal, it's ok
Jonah: Zach, you were a baby anyway
Jack: hey! Don't say that to Zach, none of us are babies but can we just concentrate on daniel right now!
Corbyn: let's get something to eat, like chipotle, maybe you'll get your mind off of her for a bit then we can go to the hospital to see her.
Daniel: thanks bro

I pulled away from the hug and we went to get in the car. The whole journey my mind was on Holly. I was so shaking and felt like crying, again. My head was filled with a tornado of question. Is she gonna be ok? Will she survive? What will I do if she doesn't survive? Will I be able to forget her if she does go? And mainly one question kept coming along. Will I be able to live without her?

Finally we arrived at chipotle and got some burritos. We were there for about an hour and the boys managed to make me giggle a little but all I was thinking about was seeing my baby. We finished eating and got back in the car. We arrived at the hospital and I jumped out running to the front desk.

Daniel: I'm here for Holly
Receptionist: Holly.. who?
Daniel: Holly Garland
Receptionist: room 204 level 3
Daniel: thank you!

I ran towards the lift pressing lever 3. I quickly messaged the boys where her room was until the lift doors finally opened. I ran to her room peeking inside to see if I was allowed in. A doctor ushered me in and I went to sit next to her.

I hated seeing her hooked up to all these machines, it gave me the fright of loss.

Daniel: is she ok?
Doctor: we do not know yet, we have ran a few test on her and are waiting for the results. She has lost a lot of blood and may have to have some transferred to her.
Daniel: ok thank you.

I decided I should call Hollys mum to tell her the news.


H/M: Hello Daniel how are you?
Daniel: not good, your daughter has been stabbed and is in hospital
H/M: what who stabbed her
Daniel: David
H/M: He's back? Message me her room I'm on my way
Daniel: ok bye...

~end of call~

I did as she said and messaged her Hollys room. A few minutes later the boys arrived with my children and with two nurses following behind.

Daniel: what's the news? Is she gonna be ok?
Nurse: she will survive-
H/M: I'm here, is she ok? What did I miss?
Nurse: I was just tell OMG the boys but she will survive-
H/M: oh thank god!
Nurse: on one condition...
Daniel: what is it?
Nurse: she needs blood transferred however... we don't have any...
H/M: oh no! What are we gonna do?
Nurse: someone will have to either let her have their blood leaving them at little time left to live or she goes...
Daniel: I can't lose her, she means everything to me
Corbyn: it has to be one of us that she uses our blood then.
Jonah: but who?
Zach: yeah it's a hard decision.
Jack: but I don't wanna lose a band members and I'm sure the fans won't want that too
Daniel: maybe there's someone else who's willing to give up their blood for her.
Jonah: I think we should call up people and ask them
Jack: but what if they don't want to?
Zach: yeah I doubt anyone wants to die early
Corbyn: this is tough
H/M: boys, I have an idea!
All the boys: what is it?
H/M: well I would need you boys to do something for me if I go along with this idea...
Daniel: anything to keep my fiancé alive
H/M: you really do love her?
Daniel: more than anything
H/M: tell her I love her so much too then.
Corbyn: what are you saying?
H/M: just listen...
Jonah: ok...
H/M: Nurse, I um I um...
Jack: you can do it Mrs Garland
Zach: Mrs Garland...
H/M: you can use my blood...
All the boys: *gasp*

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