Chapter 19

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"Madison, time to go mama." I said as I made her lunch. "Hea' I come daddy!" She said running down the steps.

"Stop runnin' baybeh." I said putting a fruit cup in her lunch box. "Ohh was dat a fruit cup?" She cooed.

"Yes baybeh it was." I chuckled. "Yes!" She screamed.  I don't know what's up with this girl, but she's been so hyper for the past couple of days.

"You ready to go?" I grabbed her book bag. "Yep, afta' I talk to Mom- I mean Ms.Nadia." She smiled.

At this point, I don't know what to do. She has never called Nadia mommy before since they met. Now she's calling her that, I wonder if Nadia knows.

"Uhh Aight sure." I grabbed my phone and called Nadia.

"Hello?" She answered sounding as if she was sleep.

"Ms.Nadia!" Madison loud voice said probably waking her up for the rest of the day.

"Hey love bug, how are you?"

"I'm good and so is daddy." She looked over at me.

"Oh yea, y'all on your way to school?"

"Mmh! Imma tell those boys get'ta way ya stank." She giggled along with Nadia.

Thinking about it, I actually don't mind Madison having a slip up and calling Nadia her mama because they have that bond. Within the two going on three months that I knew Nadia she has always though about Madison, she even opted to buy her clothes.

Nadia would make a great mom for her own children and possibly Madison if she agrees.

"Okay I luh ya Ms.Nadia hea' goes daddy." She said smiling.

I took the phone as Nadia said she loved her too.

"Wassam ma."

"Must you always answer the phone like that?" She laughed.

"Na' ya know I 'ont mean fo' it to happen." I laughed.

"Yeah okay."

"When ya comin' back dahn hea' tho?" I asked opening the door to my mama.

"Hello? August? You still there? I know damn well you ain't hang up on me!" Nadia said on still on the phone.

"Hold on I gotta call you back." I said still staring at my mother.

"Ma what the fuck ya doin' hea'?" I shouted.

"Oh my God is dat my grand baby I neva' met?" She said totally ignoring my question.

"What ya doin' hea? How do ya know where I live at?" I shouted pulling Madison behind my legs.

Madison held on to my legs with fear for the fact that I was yelling. "You 'ont have ta be scared princess." She said trying to reach for Madison.

"Yo chill, move back. She 'ont want you hea' and neither do I. Stop ignorin' me and tell me how ya know where I live at."

"Baybeh, you're my son."

"I wasnt ya son when ya was doin' allat shit bruh get outta hea' wit allat." I waved her off. "August 'ont be like dat, I'm betta' now, see." She held her arms out, but almost fell so grabbed onto the railing.

She was nowhere near clean, she was skinnier than me, her face was flushed, eyes yellow. She's definitely still out of it.

"No ya not man, jus' go. You obviously been doin' stuff ta get it so I 'ont know why ya at my do' step." I was said about to close the door, Madison can stay home today.

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