Chapter 32

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Is this August?" A male voice rang threw the speaker.

"Who this?" I asked.

"You don't know who I am,but Nadia does." He said.

"Steven." I mumbled.

"Correcto!" He laughed.

"Listen nigga when we find ya jus' know you ain't walkin' outta dat place alive." I chuckled.

"Yeah okay, same story... girl gets kidnapped, boyfriend comes to save her killer dies. Wow amazing Bravo!" His hard hands clapped.

"Jus' wait." I shook my head.

"Why wait when ya always ready." I heard a female's voice. "Isn't that what Miss. Precious told me when she hit me Auggy pooh." Jalayah said.

"Ohh you sneaky bitch jus' wait." I chuckled then hung up.

I looked at the time to see it was 11:53 pm, I must've fell asleep after crying. I sat up in the bed and dialed Tailan's number.

"Yerr." He yawned.

"Bro dat bitch ass nigga jus' called my phone."

"Steven?" He said now sounding alert.

"Yeah and get this my ex wit him. They plannin' on doin' some shit to Nadia if we don't get her right now."

I stood pacing back and forth. That girl is my world and her being gone like this is eating me alive. I'm with this girl everyday so for her to be gone it's unbelievable. That look on my little's girl's face, her crying like that really hurt me. I felt like somebody had just ripped my baby's heart from her body the way she was crying so bad for Nadia.

"Ard bro we gone get her I got Terrance doin' his trackin' shit he used to do back in Baltimore."

I sighed. "Aight lemme know."
"Already." He said then hung up.

I sat on the bed with my head in my hands.

Lord please help my find Nadia. Madison really needs her and so do I. She is the one you brought to me to become my soulmate, my rib, my lady. You showed us that being just friends wasn't the cut. I wanna show her that I am who she was supposed to be with for the rest of her life. I'm the one to rescue her from all of her troubles and old relationships. So please just give me the chance by letting her come home safe and in one piece.
           In Jesus name I pray.....Amen.

Two days later

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Two days later

"Wake up bitch!" Jalayah screamed splashing water on me.

"You would've already knew I was woke if you would've just asked." I spat through my gritted teeth.

"Huh what was that?" She grabbed a knife off of the table. "You've been threatening me with that since I got here." I rolled my eyes.

She mumbled something then put the knife. "I'll be back."

"And I'll be right here." I said looking around the dirty room.

Where are they? It feels like I've been here forever. Are they even looking for me?

"Rise and shine cutie we have some guest!" Steven ugly ass said coming through the door. "Who could possibly be here to see me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Waaallaaaa!" He said as Tommy and his parents walked through the door. I gasped and looked at Tommy who had tears in his eyes. His parents held smirks on their face the whole time.

"Aww Nadia you wanna cry?" Steven said poking out his lip. "I mean it's only Tommy right, your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." I struggled to get out the chains crying. I felt so betrayed I thought we broke up on an understanding. "Oh so you feel betrayed?" He laughed.

"Boo hoo, now you know how it feels for an ex to betray you." Jalayah said. "Bitch August don't want you just leave us alone like you fucking did your child!"

"Bitch!" She slapped me. "Jalayah stop!" Steven said.

She continued slapping me like I was a doll. I started crying because I was furious that I was chained and I couldn't do anything. Steven grabbed her and took her out of the room.

"Aww look at Ms.Im black and I'm proud." Tommy's mother said. I sniffed still looking down.

"Tommy how could you? I thought you understood why we broke up." I cried.

"Nadia—" He was cut off. "Don't talk to our son." She stomped her foot grabbing my face.

"Your nothing, your blood should be feeding the trees like your ancestors." She spat in my face. "Mom stop."

"Honey that's disgusting." His father said pulling her back. "No Harold she's a worthless person who deserves to be lynched." She said.

I shook my leg trying to brake the shackles. "Come on." I mumbled. It just wouldn't work they were too tight.

I heard gunshots sounding through the first floor. "Where she at?" I heard Tailan's voice.

"Tai—" I screamed but Tommy covered my mouth. "You trynna get us killed?"

I bit his hand and began screaming again. I heard foot steps rushing to where I was. The door swung open and bullets flew hitting Tommy's parent.

Tommy stood behind me as we watched his parent drop. "Get away from her." Dink gritted. "No, I didnt even want to be apart of this. I had nothing to do with it. They told me we was taking a family trip not this."

"Stop lyin' puss' ass lil boy." Mel said holding a gun to us. "I swear!" He said shaking me.

Within seconds Mel's gun with off shooting Tommy in the head. I screamed at the trauma ringing through my ears. "Go get ha, we gone find Steven."

"I'm so sorry this happened to you sis, we gonna be here every step you take now." Dink said getting me out of the chains. My body felt so limb since I've been in those chains since the first day. I fell right into his chest not being able to stand.

He picked me up and walked out the room where I saw Bre beating on Jalayah. "I can walk now."

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded. He placed me on my feet and slowly walked over to Bre.

"Got 'em." I heard Tailan yell. Steven came running into the room firing shots. One grazed my arm, but the other one pierced right through Montez's skin as he jumped in front of me.

"Tez!" Dink yelled running to him. "Rot in hell." Tailan fired his gun killing Steven. I crawled over to my baby brother.

"Tez why did you do that, I protect you not the other way around." I cried. "Cause you always protectin' me sis it's my turn." He said choking on blood.

I cried as I heard Travis calling 911.

"Just keep talking to me Tez, keep talking."

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