Chapter 27

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"We gotta chill for like the next few days." I laughed sitting up in the bed. "But ya lovin' is jus' so beautiful." August said grabbing my thigh.

"You did not just say that?" I laughed. "Oh but I did." He nodded. "Let me find out you going soft on me."

"Only thing goin' soft right now is my dick , so come hop on. Hurry up." He pulled me into his lap, but I got right back off.

"I have a photoshoot today."

"For real, what happened to the radio shit?" He rolled off the bed literally. "I dont work there anymore because my modeling career is somewhat taking off. Most people don't know me, but I have a known face."

It's true and I dont really care. I dont want the fame and multiple crowds swarming me. I just want the good money they paying me just for taking pictures.

"Well I gotta head dahn to my unc spot for a few hours, to book me and the boys flights." He said coming behind me in the bathroom mirror.

I nodded since I had toothpaste in my mouth. "How long are you staying there?" I spat.

"I told you a few days."

"I wanna know the exact days August." I said after finishing my teeth. "Friday through Sunday."

I nodded and gargled mouth wash. As I wash my face, August finished brushing his teeth. "So that means I only got two more days till you leave." I sat on top of the container as he washed his face.

"Yeah, sex me all you want befo' and afta'." He smirked. I bit my lip. "Sound like a plan."

"Gimme 'em lips." He put his finger under my chin bringing my face towards him. We shared a passionate kissed for a few seconds.

"Mommy!" Madison ran into the bathroom. She gasped. "Ya stealin' my kisses from daddy." She covered her mouth.

I laughed and hopped off the counter going towards, but she ran into August's legs. "Kiss."

August chuckled and picked her up kissing her cheek repeatedly. "My daddy."

"Yes he's only your daddy." I nodded laughing. "Well..." August trailed off smirking.

I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed Madison from him. "Come on love bug lets go do your hair."

"Okay." She grabbed my hand. "You want to come to mommy's photoshoot?"

"Yesh it's fun." She jumped up and down. "Okay you took your bath last night. Did you brush your teeth?" She looked at me then to the bathroom.

I narrowed my eyes in her direction. She zoomed into the bathroom laughing. "Stank breath all in my face." I called out to her laughing.

As I began sitting her clothes out I felt arms snake their way around my waist. "Yes August?"

"I like better when ya moanin' dat." He licked my cheek. "Ew so you're a dog now?" I wiped my cheek.

"I like dog position so I must be." He shrugged. I playfully rolled my eyes at his antics. He is such a clown.

"Nadia again?" He huffed picking up Madison's clothes. "What?"

"This dress, it's too short." He waved it in the air. "It's a shirt dummy." I mushed his head taking the shirt from him.

"Dont mush my head lil girl tell her Maddie."

"Dont mush daddy head." She stomped her little foot. "Right!" August stood with his arms crossed behind her stomping his big ass foot.

"Madison your daddy touched me first." She looked back at August and hit his leg. "No hittin' daddy."

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