Newt//"Day One, Greenie"

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Word Count: 2361


I took in a deep breath, gasping for air as my eyes shot open. Everything about me was dark, lit only by a few fluorescent lights on the walls that were... moving down??

No, I was moving up. It made more sense, as the walls were moving as well.

I was surrounded on all sides by a metal grate, forming a box around me. The metal clanked, and the box bounced as it rose. In the box with me was... more, smaller boxes. My curiosity got the better of me, and I opened a couple to find food, gardening tools, and pieces of scrap wood.

'What is going on?' I thought to myself. 'This must be some trick my friends are playing.'

"Ha ha, guys! Very funny," I said, hoping someone would hear me.

And then it dawned on me.

Who are my friends?

I couldn't remember them- any of them. I couldn't even remember my own family.

The realization brought a chill through my spine that rippled out to my fingertips and toes. My eyes began to well up with tears.

I was in a cold, dirty, unfamiliar place with no memory of my life before this moment, and no idea what was going on. I pressed my back into a corner of the box and slid down, pulling my legs to my chest.

For the first time, I looked up and noticed an end to the elevator in sight, approaching steadily.

Whatever was about to happen... it would happen soon.

I watched the approach of the ceiling in fearful anticipation as it crept ever closer. Finally, the elevator reached the top and stopped abruptly with a jolt. The lights that dimly lit the box disappeared, leaving me in complete darkness. I shivered in the dark, chilly air- only partly because I was cold, but also out of fear. I slipped behind a box to hide, afraid of what would happen next.

As I was sitting there in silence, I noticed the muffled sound of an alarm. Almost as soon as I noticed it, it ceased.

Immediately, a blinding strip of white light appeared in the middle of the ceiling, stretching wider. It blinded me as I tried to block it from my eyes.

I heard the murmur of quiet voices, unable to understand them over the clanking sound of metal as the two halves of the ceiling continued to part, until they stopped with a loud bang.

The low voices continued until one broke out among the rest.

"Where's the bloody Greenie?" it spoke in a thick accent. "The Creators forget to send one up this month?"

Another loud clang sounded out, along with the arrival of a pair of boots on the ground beyond my hiding spot, announcing the arrival of another person inside the box. The sudden noise caused me to jump and whimper before I could stop myself.

"What was that? Did anybody else hear that?" a new voice rang out, followed by a few murmurs of agreement. The voice had come from the other person in the box- a boy.

"Right there!" someone shouted out. I noticed my foot had slipped beyond the edge of the box, my toes extended for everyone to see. As soon as I noticed it, I jerked my foot in pressing myself further into the wall of the metal box- but it was too late. The large pair of boots clanked their way over to my hiding spot. The boy crouched down to see me at eye level.

"I don't believe it..." the boy said, a look of utter disbelief contorting his features.

"What is it?" the accented voice from before came again.

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