Thomas//Calculus and a Massage

982 17 6

Word Count:1062


I groaned, setting my face in my hands with my elbows resting on the table. I had been working on this assignment for two hours now, and my head was spinning with the amount of information I was attempting to retain in it.

Looking back at my computer screen, I rubbed my temples, the insanely complex math problem staring back at me from the bright screen.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Thomas asked as he walked up behind me, resting on hand on the back of the chair and the other on the table, leaning forward to take a closer look at the screen.

"Its just this math homework my professor sent home this week. I've tried three different formulas on this one problem, but none of them have worked, and I can't figure out how I'm supposed to do it." I sighed, pushing off the table so I could spin in the chair.

"So come with me," Thomas giggled at my antics, "We'll watch a movie or something."

"As much as I'd love to, this is due tomorrow morning," I replied sadly, stopping myself to once again face the computer. "And you and I both know that if we go watch a movie now, I'll fall asleep and never finish this."

Thomas shrug in agreement. "Then I'll just have to help you."

"Yeah... right," I laughed at his statement, " What do you know about Calculus?"

"I know.... enough. Here," he said, gesturing for me to stand up. I did, and he rolled the chair behind his legs and sat down, reaching for my hips to pull me down with him. I sat gently on his lap, crossing my legs as he pulled us both back toward the desk. I pulled my piece of scratch paper in front of me a fiddled with my pencil as Thomas wrapped his arms loosely around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"So?" I asked expectantly, raising my eyebrow at him even though he couldn't see my face. I felt his chin move gently on my shoulder as his eyes scanned over the problem.

"Well don't you... with the... uh..."

"That's what I thought," I sighed, slumping back into him. "Ugh, I can't do this. I give up." I laid my head back on his shoulder.

"Now, if there's one thing I know about you, it's that you can do anything you set your mind to," he straightened sat up so that I would do the same. "Now, come on we're gonna get this done- together."

"Yeah, because you're such a help," I grinned at his so he would know I was joking. He chuckled at my joke, leaning back and resting his hands on my shoulders, pushing his thumbs in at the bottom of my neck. I let out a small moan as he moved his fingers in circles, up and down my spine and across my shoulders. He chuckled at me again.

"Come on, focus," he encouraged. "You've got this." I pulled my Calculus textbook over, searching through the table of contents for the chapter we were working on. I poured over the pages, finally finding a possible solution and then moved to try and work it out on paper.

I finished that problem and moved into the next one, hoping the seemingly endless stream of math problem would be over soon. As I continued working, Thomas continued massaging my back, placing kisses along my neck here and there.

Finally, I finished the last problem and gently laid my pencil on the desk, re-assuming the position of resting my elbows on the table and laying my head in my hands.

After a few long minutes, Thomas removed his hands from my shoulders and leaned forward so his body was pressed up against mine.

"You done?" he asked and I could feel his hot breath against my ear.

"Yeah, but don't stop. It feels amazing," I answered, emphasizing the last word.

He laughed. "Wouldn't you rather I do it on the couch while you drink a nice cup of hot tea and eat some popcorn?"

"Now you're speaking my language," I stood up and turned around to face him as he stood. "You know me so well."

In reply, he placed a lingering kiss on my lips before taking my hand in his and leading me to the kitchen where he made the popcorn and I brewed us each a steaming cup of tea. As I stood between his legs, he leaned his back against the counter and wrapped his around me, holding me close to his chest. His nimble fingers reached under the hem of my shirt and gently rubbed the bare skin while we waited for the water to boil and the popcorn to pop.

We stood there for quite some time- I lost track as I closed my eyes, breathing in his scent, and relaxing into his touch. The beeping of the microwave startled me from the trance-like state I was in, and I got up to finish the tea and he went to put the popcorn in a bowl. I walked into the living room and saw him crouching in front of the TV, placing a disc in the DVD player and then standing to join me on the couch.

The title screen of the movie came up and Thomas used the remote to start it. Then he leaned back, patting his lap for me to sit. I did, and he resumed his massage as the movie began to play.

About 20 minutes into the movie, I began to slump over, my eyes drifting shut slowly and I began to drift off. I was woken only moments later by Thomas gently taking my shoulders and turning me so I could snuggle into his chest. His chest shifted as I felt a blanket rest over my shoulders and he pulled me into his chest and I snuggled into him once more.

"I hope my professor sends us home with really hard assignments more often if this is what I get," I mumbled into his chest, smiling.

His chest shook as he laughed. "Careful what you wish for."

The last thing I felt was his soft lips gently placing a kiss on my forehead as the sound of the movie faded from my hearing and I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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