Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes. I started blinking because of the blurry picture I'm seeing. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and sat up. I had a really bad headache. I winced to its pain and then scanned the room. I was in my room and no one was there.

I got up slowly trying to remember what happened to me. I stood up and walked towards the door. As I was about to open it, I heard people talking outside my door.

"Is she ok?"
"She'll be fine don't worry."
"Please call me when she gets fine. I have to go now."

From the voice tones, I knew there were three people out there. I opened the door and walked out.

"Jeong!" Eunwoo yelled with a big smile in his face. He hugged me tightly lifting me up from the ground. "I'm really happy you're fine." I nodded to him and looked at the other two people. Mark was looking at me with a smile in his face and beside him was... Minjun.

I walked towards Mark and thanked him. He nodded happily and patted my head. "Don't only thank me." He looked at Minjun pointing at him with his eyes." My heart skipped a beat when I saw Minjun smiling. "Th- Thank you." I said as I bowed to him. "No problem. I have to go now." Minjun grinned and went downstairs.

I felt Eunwoo's hand resting on my shoulder. I tilted my hand and smiled at him. Eunwoo smiled back and said, "thank you, Mark, for helping." Mark got a little nervous and stuttered, "I- It's fine. I'm her friend and it's my job to help her."

Mark said his goodbye and went. I gave out a long nervous sigh. "So," Eunwoo started, "will you tell me what happened?"


"And that's everything." I ended the story. "So you just went unconscious for no serious reason?" Eunwoo asked. "Y- Yeah. I'm pretty sure about it."
"And Who was that guy with Mark?" Eunwoo said wiggling his eyebrows.

"That's Minjun. He was with us in the convenience store."
"So you do know him."
"Yes. Yes. He's in my school.
"What? Is there something else you need to know?"
"No. The important thing now is that you're fine." Eunwoo smiled at me and started patting my head. "Now go do your homework so I can prepare dinner." I nodded at him and went to my room. I locked the door quietly and sat on my bed. I carried the pillow and took the envelope that was under it.

That's the envelope Wonho gave me. I looked at the words written at the back again. Rival info. My heart started hitting against my chest. I opened the envelope slowly to read it.

Name: Kim Mina
Age: 17
Birthday: August 14
Crush: Minjun

My eyes widened. This is the reason why she is my rival. This is the reason Why Wonho wants me to end her. I continued reading.

More info: A teenage with no siblings. Is not signed to any clubs and has a girl gang at school. Her gang is made of 5 girls. They all protect her at all costs. It's hard to reach her before eliminating the other gang members.
Note: couldn't find anymore info. I will get additional facts tomorrow and will be sent by mail.

That's hard. I have to end all her gang members. I'm pretty sure Wonho will help me out in everything. So this won't be hard. All I need are my thoughts and my actions. I folded the paper two times and opened my books to study.

I could barely open my eyes now. I've been studying for hours. Didn't Eunwoo finish the dinner?

I unlocked my door and went out. "Eunwoo?" I yelled. I went downstairs and to the kitchen. The food was ready but still in the pots. "Eunwoo?" I repeated. I went to the living room and saw him sleeping on the long sofa; his leg bent and the other resting on the sofa's hand. He was still wearing his apron. I giggled at him and tried waking him up.

I poked him randomly in his face and he finally woke up. He rubbed his eyes quickly and sat. "Oh god! The food will get burned!" He ran to the kitchen and checked the pots. "You turned off the ovens before going asleep." I said after following him to the kitchen. He rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry. I woke up early today and worked a lot. Food will be ready. Just wait."

I grinned and went over to help him. Two plates. Two forks. Two spoons. Two cups. Was everything we needed. The dining table was ready and I was starving to death.

We sat down and I started munching on his delicious food. "Shank you brojer." I said with a whole bite in my mouth. He took a bite and looked at me. "Are you ready for school tomorrow?" I raised an eyebrow questionably. It's not like my first day at school. Why is he asking such a question? I nodded.

"I can feel you've been lonely these days. Why don't you have some friends and bring them over?"

Eunwoo only worries about my relationship with people and my sociable life. I always wanted him to be happy in everything I do, except this. I can't have friends at all. I don't even know what real friends are.

"I'll invite Mark and Jihee to dinner tomorrow."
"No. That's not what I meant. Mark is a good friend but it's time to have more. At least one. Please."

Even if I had a friend. If she keeps on bothering me everyday about my daily life, I would end up killing her. And I'm sure about it.

"Eunwoo, please. I don't want to trust anyone or be trusted by anyone. This will make my life stressful and I'm really fine with Mark and Jihee."
"Well. Mark and Jihee are couples. They've been together for quite a while. Why don't you get a boyfriend?"

I choked on the food I was eating and started coughing. I quickly took a sip of water and hit my chest.

"A boyfriend? What are you talking about? I don't even think I'll get married."
"But.. like what if someone liked you instead. You're beautiful and everything. I'm sure this day will come."

I started playing with the rice using my fork. I was thinking about the future. Where will I end up? Where will my next life be?

"Thanks for the food." I finally said and went upstairs.

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