Chapter 9

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I was just walking in the morning waiting for Mark to get out of his house. I made a huge yawn that made my eyes sweat. I saw Mark get out from his house from the distance. I can see him scan the road before walking. Probably checking if I were there.

He started waving his hands at me when he saw me. I waved back and walked faster. "Good morning." Mark started. "Morning." I faked a smile and continued walking with him.

When Wonho saw me at the gates, he ignored me and tried avoiding looking at me. I tried avoiding looking at him as well and the reason why is because Mark was walking with me.

My first class was with Minjun. He was actually sitting away from me. I kept glancing at him every few minutes. The first time, he was writing. The second time, he was resting his chin on his hands listening to the teacher. The third time, he was yawning. I just liked looking at him every second.

The class ended and I went to my locker. As I was reaching it, someone pulled me from my shoulder making me fall on the floor. I opened my eyes and saw two feet wearing black pair of shoes with small chains wrapping around it. I looked up slowly. This was the last person I wanted to be bullied by.

"I saw you looking at Minjun during the class." Mina smirked at me and pulled me up from my hoodie. I was about to choke but I tried pulling myself up to prevent this. I saw five girls behind her standing there and giggling.

"Do you need something?" I started. She pushed me from my chest. I quickly took a step backwards bending my knee to balance myself. "What do you want?" One of the girls behind her walked towards me and took my bag. She threw everything inside it away and threw the bag.

I got pissed but I remained calm. Let her have some fun. She doesn't know what is waiting for her in the future. This thought made me make a small smile. "What are you smiling at?!" Another girl pushed me away making me fall on my butt.

I looked at the floor. Just waiting for what's going to happen next. The hallway was empty and I don't think there will be anyone to help me. "Hey! I'm speaking to you!" Mina yelled. I looked at her. "Oh don't just look at me. Why were you looking at Minjun?"
"Wh- who's Minjun?"
"Oh don't just play as a dumbass!"

She walked closer and kicked me on my stomach. If I were to be someone else, I would've puked. I did not feel the pain. I just touched my belly and looked at her. "Is this all you've got?"

I stood up and went to my bag to pack all of the stuff thrown away. "Hey! Don't just ignore us!" A girl carried me from my arm and the another girl carried me from the other arm. They both lifted me up. I can see Mina in front of me crossing her arms to her chest.

Mina touched my chin and lifted it upwards. "If you dare to even breathe around him again, your life will come to an end." She smirked at me and punched me right on my cheek bone. It did feel a little painful this time.


I heard someone yell from the end of the hallway. "Leave her alone!" All the girls looked to their left and saw a guy. He had a really familiar voice. I looked at him walking towards me. That was Mark. I made a smile of thankfulness.

"And who are you?" A girl said after popping a bubble gum. She started chewing it loudly and walked closer to Mark. "Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with you." He said glaring at her. He pushed her aside and pulled my arm while walking away. I was about to trip and then walked faster balancing myself.

"Come back here!" Mina ran and stopped in front of Mark. She slapped him and said, "never interrupt me when I talk!" She glared at him angrily and continued, "if this girl is your girlfriend, please make sure she won't be cheating on you." She smirked at me and walked away with the rest of the girls.

I can see how Mark got pissed. He started breathing angrily and looked at me. "Are you ok-" his eyes widened when he looked at my face. "Oh god. Did she punch YOU?!" He got really pissed. He held me from my arms strongly. "Please tell me whenever she bothers you! I'll teach her a lesson." I nodded at him. How did he know she punched me?

Mark helped me pack my stuff in my bag. I thanked him and went to the bathroom. Just when I looked at the mirror I realized a really bad bruise in my cheek bone. It's color was worse. Dark blue and purple marks around it. I smoothly touched it and winced to it's pain. Oh god. She really is in danger now.

I went out of the bathroom. Everybody was already in class. I don't want to attend any classes now. I'm skipping this one. I started wandering around when I saw Wonho walking towards me.

He raised an eyebrow when he saw my face. "What's wrong?" He started. "I'm getting bullied."
"Wow. She already started?"

He gently touched my cheek with his finger. I didn't really feel pain. "This looks bad. Let's go to the infirmary." He grabbed me from my hand and walked towards the infirmary.

He knocked the door and walked in. No one was there. I sat down on one of the chairs as I watched Wonho looking for the first aid kit. He opened one of the small closets and took a white box with a Red Cross logo. He sat in front  of me and pulled his chair closer to me. Then started putting some kind of  healing rub on my cheek.

"It doesn't hurt you?"

He smirked and put a cream and a bandage. "Done?" I asked. He nodded and put everything back. He sat back to his place and asked, "so... who do you think we start with?"

I raised an eyebrow. I don't know any of those girls. "I know. You don't know any other info. Today, I'll have to go back with you home or you can come home with me so we can put together a plan."

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