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“So, where the hell did you find these “never before shown movies”” asked Chloe

“I know a guy” answered Ender confidently

“What’s the first movie we’re going to watch?” I asked

“The Haunting in Connecticut part three”

“Awesome, is it still a true story?” I asked

“Yep, still is”

“So, what are you waiting for? Let’s watch already” exclaimed Chloe

So as Ender put in the disc, Chloe grabbed some snacks and I grabbed the drinks, this is really exciting, we’re gonna watch a never before seen yet horror movie and we’ll be the first people to watch it, to be honest I get scared when I watch or hear some horror stories yet I like it, there’s this one story I’ve heard from Ender and was only two sentences that could scare you to death,  here’s how it goes “I tucked my son to sleep last night and he asked me if I could check under his bed for monsters. For his amusement I checked under his bed, and I saw my son and he said “Daddy, there’s someone sleeping on my bed.” It scared the crap out of me; I never imagined I would be so scared by just hearing two freaking sentences. Ender looked at me saying “I know you love horror” I smiled at him and said “We really are best friends” he smiled and I heard Chloe chuckle. The movie finally started, it was already thrilling by the Ender just told us that we’re gonna watch The Haunting in Connecticut part THREE, I hope the movie’s gonna be awesome, but if you ask me what’s the scariest movie that happen to be inspired by true events, it would be “The Conjuring” that movie’s dope, it scared me to death, I never knew that things like that could really happen in real life. Look at me speaking to myself again, the movie is already starting; remember when Ender opened the curtains to let the sunshine in? Well now he closed it, and the door plus the lights, the room became quite darker than I’d expected it to be, perfect for’ scary movie day until night’.

It’s already 1:30 in the afternoon, wow, time surely flies, huh? And I was feeling like I wasn’t able to breathe anymore, it became harder and harder for me to breathe and I can’t speak to tell them that ‘Hey, I’m dying so, yeah’ but it’s a good thing they noticed me, I just not able to breathe anymore, I am now having a hard time hearing, I’m losing vision, all I see is darkness, I felt like someone was carrying me, and then I blacked out. “Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Keynes” I heard a voice say, “Charles” I heard it again, I realized that I was sleeping, so I decided to wake up now, I slowly opened my eyes and Ender and Chloe right next to my bed, when I woke, Chloe looked really and Ender looked relieved, “Hi” I said weakly

“Charles, you scared us” said Ender

“Sorry?” I replied

“The doctor said you’re thyroid cancer is starting to get worse, they said in about next week they’re gonna hook you up to a machine that’s gonna help you breathe, we already told you’re family, they said they couldn’t come right now because they’re still at work and school, and if this happens again the doctor said you’re gonna be like Hazel Grace from The Fault in our stars.”

“I’m gonna fall in love with a guy with one leg?” I asked jokingly

Ender and Chloe burst out laughing so hard as I tried to laugh weakly, “No, you idiot” answered Chloe, she’s probably jealous because I might fall in love with a one legged hoping boy, “Don’t worry, I love you” I told her, “I love you too” she replied as she kissed me on the cheek. “What I meant was that you get an oxygen tank just like Hazel’s” said Ender

“Ah, I see, so I’m gonna have a plastic tube sticking inside out of my nose and people are gonna start to stare at me with their expressions like ‘Why does he have that thing on his nose’ or something” I replied

“Way the dig deep bro” said Ender

“Don’t worry, it’ll be normal” said Chloe as she tried to cheer me up

“Normal, except for the fact that I can’t breathe like a normal person could, huh?”

“Don’t go all dramatic with me Keynes” said Chloe now looking more annoyed at me than ever


“That’s alright” she said as she smiled and rested her head on my shoulder


I guess I was being too dramatic because of this cancer thing, everyday it reminds me that I may not be able to breathe so well anymore and I’m gonna have to depend on my oxygen tank to be able to breathe, but never like an normal person anymore, the day will come when I wouldn’t know how it feels like to just inhale and exhale lightly and not having trouble at all, I’m gonna miss that, but right now I can still breathe a little better, so might as well not waste the oxygen, figured that I should go out more, to see the nature, to inhale the natural fresh air the airs produce everyday. I hope the doctors would allow me though, or maybe just let me go up on the rooftop to enjoy the scenery and air, I’ll try to talk them through this. I’m finally back to my room, Ender and Chloe are still with me and it’s only about 8:00 pm, we only finished watching 3 movies and Ender doesn’t want to continue watching anymore because he says I need to get some rest, so Ender went out for some fresh air he said, and so me and Chloe were once again left alone in the room, “If I die---“ I started but Chloe cut me off, “Shut up, don’t talk about that crap, Charlie” she pulled a fast one on me, “Just let me finish, you didn’t answer me the first time I asked you this” she looked at me with her brows down and finally said “Fine” so I continued what I was about say before she royally interrupted me, “If I die, promise me you’ll be happy after” she didn’t speak, she opened her mouth but no words came out, she didn’t look happy or sad, the expression on her face was unexplainable. Finally, she stood up and hugged me as tight as possible but still allowing me to breathe fine, she then pulled away and looked at me, and gosh her beautiful light green eyes are so amazing, I could stare at her all day for the rest of my life, anyway, she held my head and she kissed my nose, I held her waist and just looked at her, and finally her lips touched mine, I pushed her to the wall slowly and she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my hair but it didn’t feel painful, the kiss was hard yet gentle and romantic, I can really feel the spark igniting between us, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I think I was sweating a little, then Chloe took out her handkerchief and wiped away my sweat, and we still continued kissing, the kiss was hot, yes, and so was Chloe, she pulled me closer and kissed me harder but still giving me air to breathe, she also smelled amazing, vanilla and violets probably, I was closer to her than ever now, literally closer, before I knew it, I was already kissing her neck then her shoulder, and she gripping my hair then I went back to her lips right away and started kissing her longer now. We know that this thing was going somewhere so, on the right time Ender called up Chloe to tell her that he needs to go home first because their parents are fighting more and more, I was concerned but I was more focused on Chloe, so I locked the door and carried Chloe to the bed, I gripped her wrist and started kissing her again, and I could really feel our hotness, she began unbuttoning her shirt and I took off mine, it’s a good thing I don’t have the oxygen tank stuck in my nose yet, huh? I don’t wanna give you guys the whole detail of what happened so I’ll skip to the time we woke up already. “Last night was…” said Chloe as she had trouble on continuing, “Awesome, amazing, wow” I proclaimed, “Yeah” she answered, we laughed hysterically and got dressed before Rhean and Franz comes, but I gotta hand it to you, last night was the best night of my life, I’m not dying a virgin, hooray for me, but I do hope it’ll happen again but only with Chloe, my Chloe, my beautiful Chloe, now I’m sounding quite weird right now, I don’t care though, as long as it’s about how I express my love to Chloe, I don’t mind sounding weird. I know I already love Chloe, but what happened last night made me love her more and more, she trusts me and that’s why I love her so much.

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